An Evaluation FeatureCloud app for survival/time-to-event predictions.
This allows evaluating your trained models using the following metrics:
- c-index (concordance index)
- local c-index
- local concordant pairs
- global c-index equally weighted (mean)
- global c-index weighted by the number of samples at each client
- global c-index weighted by the number of concordant pairs at each client
- test.csv containing the actual test dataset with an event and time column
- pred.csv containing the predictions of the model on the test dataset
- scores.tsv containing various evaluation metrics
Can be combined with the following apps:
- Pre: Survival SVM
This app is compatible with CV.
Use the config file to customize the evaluation. Just upload it together with your training data as config.yml
min_concordant_pairs: 3 # minimum: 3; threshold of concordant pairs for participation
y_test: "test.csv"
y_pred: "pred.csv" # could be the same as y_test if predictions were appended to test data
sep: ","
label_survival_time: "tte"
label_event: "event"
event_value: 'True' # optional, default='True'; value of an entry in the event column when an event occurred
event_censored_value: 'False' # optional, default='False'; value of an entry in the event column when censored
label_predicted_time: "predicted_tte"
objective: regression # can be regression or ranking
mode: directory # directory if cross validation was used before, else file
dir: data # data if cross validation app was used before, else .