Thanks to the team members for their help, we finally won the first place and the best popularity award in the coding 101 competition! However, the end of the competition is also a new start. The project will continue to be developed, and everyone is welcome to help!
In response to the class requirements, we use Python (3.8.6) as our backend programming language.
We use it for almost all important features in our project, such as LINE Bot handling, Google Maps API connection, vote sytem, and WEB server creating (Here we use FastAPI as web framework, for its asynchronous feature allows us to have a better response speed)
As for WSGI, we use Gunicorn with uvicorn workclass as our solution.
Because of project development time and the ability of our team members, we used traditional HTML with CSS and JavaScript method to create web content in the early stage of the project, which may be relatively unsatisfactory in UI/UX design and project maintenance.
In the final phase of a project, we used the React framework to re-build the voting creation and sliding selection pages, but due to beginners, it may not be perfect.
If you are interested in helping, any contribute or PR are welcome :)
Because of the characteristics of the project content, we use MongoDB as the database solution.
Its No-SQL features and excellent search functions allow us to achieve an excellent balance between maintenance and performance.
In addition to the above, we also use Docker as a tool for program deployment, Nginx as reverse proxy server, and use Github Actions as the CI/CD platform.
❗ Attention! FastAPI hasn't support on Windows yet, if you want to use it on Windows platform, you might need to run in WSL.
Make sure you have already installed git tools and clone our repo to devices.
git clone
There are two ways to start up the server.
Make sure you have Docker and Docker-Compose installed! We use Debian/Ubuntu as example here.
Install Docker
sudo apt-get install -y curl curl -s | sudo sh
Install Docker-Compose
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
First we have to create our own environment variables. We use Vim as text editor here.
cd Eatender cd project vim .env
Below is the example enviromment variables file, make sure to replace it with your own setting.
Get SSL Certificates Make sure you have your own domain and go to SSL For Free and place the certificates under /Eatender/nginx
Time to start up the project!
docker-compose up --build -d
Go to and you will see that.
First we have to create our own environment variables. We use Vim as text editor here.
cd Eatender cd project vim .env
Below is the example enviromment variables file, make sure to replace it with your own setting.
Install Python Packages
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install Redis
You should follow Redis official site's guide to install redis on your client. Redis Official Site
Time to start up the project! You can either to use uvicorn as WSGI
or use Gunicorn
gunicorn -c -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker main:app