Your daily companion for spiritual growth, mood tracking, and finding inner peace through faith. Reflect, be still, find peace.
Tech stack:
- Node.js 18.0+ or 20.0+
- Docker Desktop
These are the instructions for setting up a local development environment.
Clone this repository
Install the server
$ cd <PROJECT-ROOT>/restill-server $ npm install
Install the client
$ cd <PROJECT-ROOT>/restill-client $ npm install
Start up the server:
Start up Docker Desktop
Start the database and backend server
$ cd <PROJECT-ROOT>/restill-server $ docker compose up --build
Start up the client:
$ cd <PROJECT-ROOT>/restill-server $ npx expo start
In the output, you'll find options to open the app in a
- We chat async on FaithTech Slack | #prj-our-project
- We meet online every Thursday at 2PM ET | conference link
Details on how to get involved with the project.
We have adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. Please read the full text so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.
Instructions on how people can contribute to this project.
Project is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.
This is an Expo project created with create-expo-app