Releases: FaithLife-Community/LogosLinuxInstaller
This release fixes some issues with ICU files.
Thanks to @ctrlaltf24, we have a lot of regressions fixed with this release. This should help stabilize the program. Its main benefit is fixing #191.
With this release, our project now has a unique name: Ou Dedetai, which comes from the Koine Greek of 2 Tim 2:9, which says that the Word of God is not bound. Since our application installs FaithLife's Logos ("The Word" in Greek) program, it only seemed appropriate to pun this verse by naming ourselves also with Greek ("Not Bound" in Koine is ou dedetai). Our program seeks to unbind Logos (the Program) from Windows so that users may run the software on their operating system of choice.
With this release, we no longer specify ourselves as a Linux-focused piece of software, as our hope is that our software will also run on other non-Linux operating systems, like BSD, once we finish up issues like #14.
This release also permits our application to be installed via pip by converting our project to pyproject.
You can use pip like so as long as you have Python 3.12 available on your system.
python venv .venv/oudedetai
./.venv/oudedetai/bin/pip install ou_dedetai@git+
With this release, we change from Alpha to Beta!
The code is now considered relatively feature complete and stable. As it is beta, bugs are still likely to be found.
There are too many fixes since Alpha 14 to name them all. Here are some highlights:
- Added a Logos state manager to detect when the program is running
- Upgraded the Wine AppImage to 9.19 devel, which resolved some issues we saw
- Fixed numerous graphical issues with the TUI
- Fixed the CLI, which now functions as a complete UI comparable to a single-use TUI or GUI
- Added OpenSUSE Zypper support
- Added a docker build file
This release is primarily aimed at bug fixes and streamlining the dependency installation routines. We uncovered numerous bugs as we went as well as faulty assumptions.
Further, we found issues with both Fedora and Arch install routines that cause them to fail to install their dependencies properly. Our research turned up no fixes for these issues and they will require further research. We have implemented a method for handling these issues, but ultimately the Fedora and Arch user will have to install their dependencies manually. The program should report to the user what command they need to run to accomplish the task.
We are exceptionally thankful for this release! In this release our Python program now supports installing versions of Logos 30 and up. We are incredibly thankful for @tbleher's work in finding the issue and the fix. Multiple hands have touched the changes that made it into this PR and we have fixed numerous other issues as well.
There are some outstanding issues, such as Fedora and Arch system's not functioning properly in installing their dependencies, but we didn't want to hold up the Logos 30+ release to fix these.
Please note that you may need to delete your config from prior installs before proceeding. If you encounter the installer hanging, this is a likely source for the problem.
Fixes two small bugs in the TUI installer.
This release fixes various issues with the new TUI console and it should also make it better overall.
This release prepares for Logos 30+ and fixes some install issues.
Overhauls the TUI in order to provide a full UI for console users. This includes:
- Refactor for TUI as class. Fix #42.
- Add a Curses console and waiting screen.
- Add PythonDialog as alternative to Curses
- Check if user has an up-to-date
package. - Replicates Curses functionality, except Menu + Console
- Adds a file picker
- Adds a package install screen
- Check if user has an up-to-date
- Implement threading for TUI
- Add download_packages(). Rework code for individual package testing.
- Add pythondialog.buildlist
- Add pythondialog.checklist
- Fix #104
- Various code fixes