Jekyll based web served on Github pages.
To hack the web on your computer, you need ruby and gem.
Try first if you already have them with:
ruby -v && gem -v && echo "ok, I have all I need!"
If you do not see versions of programs you need to install them. Most convenient way is to use rvm.
# install rvm already with ruby
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
# see what version was installed
rvm list
# select it as default
rvm alias create default 2.2
# then each time you want ruby and co. run
Or you can use package manager of your distribution.
Continue with (you can copy & paste into shell):
# Now you HAVE ruby and gem installed. Try it with:
ruby -v && gem -v && echo "ok, I have all I need!"
# Now you can clone this repo
git clone om-web
cd om-web
# Now you have install all necessary gems, the most easy way is use bundler
gem install bundler
bundle install
# Now you can run [jekyll](
jekyll serve
If you use a certain version of ruby (the author uses 2.1.2), you have to switch before each use of jekyll with
rvm use 2.1.2
For details see assets folder.
Special thanks to HTML 5 Boilerplate whose code I have based this on.
@kionoshp's padding-margin. Because it has become part of every site that I manage.
and Font Awesome for being awesome.