2018 code
Students give this a try to learn how git works. Git is a version control system that allows us to share code. https://try.github.io/levels/1/challenges/1
- Clone the project
- Create a development branch for the feature
- Commit and push up to the development branch
- Create a pull request to have the branch merged into the master when feature is complete.
We are using Java to develop the robot program. You need to install Java 8 JDK, not Java 9, eclipse for java developers, and the WPILIB plugins for eclipse. See the following site for detailed instructions. https://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/currentCS/m/java/l/599681-installing-eclipse-c-java
You will also need to install the libraries and add them into eclipse for the NavX - MXP (our imu, ahrs, gyro, compass, etc). You can find instructions here: https://www.pdocs.kauailabs.com/navx-mxp/software/roborio-libraries/java/
Reference and tutorials for coding an FRC Robot are available here. https://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/currentCS/m/java