Welcome to FEMA's Office of the Chief Technology Officer repository for the Spring 2022 Virtual Technology Exchange focusing on Zero Trust!
For the participants in the FEMA-S22 Technology Exchange that have files, white papers, suggestions, solution samples, demos, code, or other technological responses you wish to be considered, create a repository under your own GitHub account and tag it with the "fema-s22" or "fema-s22-zerotrust" topic. See the GitHub document Classifying Your Repository with Topics. This will facilitate monitoring of the social conversation around the “fema-f22” GitHub topic tag following the event.
Enable the GitHub Discussions feature within your repository to promote conversations around solutions or posted material. Only general discussions should occur within this FEMA repository.
When considering non-code files for your repositories, we prefer open, text-based formats (PDF, PowerPoint, Word, Excel files may not be reviewed by FEMA). Image files such as PNG or JPG are also acceptable.
- Markdown
- LaTeX (although not natively supported, LaTeX within a Jupyter Notebook will be displayed)
- draw.io
- Mermaid
- GeoJson
- Jupyter notebooks
- BPMN diagrams
We encourage you to read this project's Code of Conduct.