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Extend L.Polyline with shadow and interactive-zone along the line


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Extend L.Polyline and L.Polygon with options to draw "shadow" and "interactive"-zone



bower install --save


var myPolyline = L.polyline(<LatLng[]> latlngs, <Polyline options> options?)

The options are extended with addInteractive <boolean> If options.addInteractive: true a "shadow"-line is added around the polyline and a "interactive"-zone is added around the line and shadow

Default options for the shadow and interactive lines are

        weight         : 2,  //The width of the line
        colorName      : '', //Class-name to give the fill color
        fillColorName  : '', //Same as colorName
        borderColorName: '',  //Class-name to give the border color. "none" will hide the border
        LineColorName  : '',  //Same as borderColorName

        border         : false,  //True to add a semi-transparent white border to the line
        transparent    : false,  //True to make the line semi-transparent
        hover          : false,  //True to show big-shadow and 0.9 opacuity for lpl-transparent when hover
        onlyShowOnHover: false,  //When true the polyline/polygon is only visible on hover and popup-open. Need {shadow: false, hover: true}

        shadow               : false,  //true to add big shadow to the line
        shadowWhenInteractive: false,  //When true a shadow is shown when the polyline is interactive
        shadowWhenPopupOpen  : false,  //When true a big-sdhadow is shown when the popup for the marker is open

        addInteractiveLayerGroup: false, //true to add this.interactiveLayerGroup to hold layers only visible when interactive is on
        onSetInteractive        : null,  //function( on ) called when interactive is set on or off

        borderWidth     : 1, //Width of border
        shadowWidth     : 3, //Width of shadow
        interactiveWidth: 5, //Width of interactive area

The new options can also be set in options.polygon or options.Polygon for L.Polygon, and in options.polyline, options.Polyline, options.lineString, or optionsLineString for L.Polyline

Used eq. in L.GeoJSON to set different options for lines and polygons


New methods are added to L.Polyline and L.Polygon

    .setInteractive( on ); 	//Set the polyline interactive on or off
    .setInteractiveOn();	//Set the polyline interactive on
    .setInteractiveOff();	//Set the polyline interactive off

Internal methods called before and after the interactive is set on or off To be overwritten in descending classes

    .beforeSetInteractive: function( on )
    .afterSetInteractive : function( on )

Copyright and License

This plugin is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2018 FCOO

Contact information

Niels Holt [email protected]


Extend L.Polyline with shadow and interactive-zone along the line







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