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Morny 1.3.0*GUANGGU

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@Eyre-S Eyre-S released this 06 Dec 15:24
· 0 commits to release since this release

Brand new social media's content share method

Morny now supports to fetch social media's status' content and share them to Telegram.

Now, Twitter (or tweet and Weibo status are supported except Weibo status' attached video is not supported.

Twitter tweet with multiple images Twitter tweet with no images Tweet is unavailable
Weibo status with multiple pics Weibo status with retweet (retweet source contains pics) Weibo status contains weibo-only emoji

Morny provided two different ways to using this feature: /get command or private messaging. Both of them supports full output features (multiple medias, videos etc.). The /get command only accept a supported URL as parameter; While messaging to the private, Morny will automatically check every URL in the message and will fetch from and output all matched supported URL.

Morny also provided inline method to fetch social media's contents: to use this feature, you need type a supported url in the inline input and add prefix or suffix get (like @morny get <url> or @morny <url> get). But, due to technic limits, while using inline method, the Twitter tweet will only output the combined image but not multiple full images, and the Weibo status' pics will not be output.

inline output of Tweet with multiple pics
Multiple images is outputted as a single combined image due to technic limits
inline output of Weibo with pics
The pics is replaced with `🖼️` due to technic limits

Twitter tweet URL inline re-format changes

Due to some changes from upstream BetterFixTweet(vxtwitter), the Share with VxTwitter (combined) option is removed. And, a Share with FixTweet option is added

also, the URL parser is now supported series URLs.

Code block syntax highlight support

Recently, Telegram have released a new version with code block language highlight support.

Morny in this version have updated the message template for supporting language highlight.

Currently supported functions:

  • /event_hack returns JSON
  • Morny Report exceptions report with the JSON formatted Telegram bot API raw response

New Task System

Morny imported a Scheduler toolset to manager all daemon tasks instead of each daemon manager its own daemon thread.

Currently, there's one problem is it is not supported multi-threading. We will fix it in later version (if needed).

related /info subcommand

Add /info tasks subcommand (to /info) to show current Morny's task scheduler status.

Currently it shows only simple status includes scheduler's current running status and task count in this scheduler.
Statistics might appear in following updates.

Event/Update processor statistics

Added statistics for EventListenerManager, it will collect the process duration of each event/update and make a simple statistic.

Statistic data will be cleared when every end of one day. The clearing will use time-zone same with the following Morny Daily Report.

Statistics data can be shown by new (sub-command of /info) command /info event

Related technic changes.

Morny's EventListener interface have added two methods atEventPost and executeFilter.
Those two events provide a very different managing and processing logic along events.

Also, due to some unknown reason, sometime there's one event seems not be processed at all but
its final statis is OK and its execution duration is 0ms. It is a known issue and we are looking into it.

Morny Daily Report

Added new Morny Daily Report to report today statistics.

There's Event processor statistic in this version.

A coeur startup parameter --report-zone is added to control which time-zone the report should use. It accepts a TimeZone accepted string and the default is system's default time-zone.

Minor changes

Feature randomly repeat question marks now will recognize as a question mark.

Bug fixes

fix internal error while Morny received message which have only / character.

fixed InputCommand throws OOB while input is empty

fix get user CDN failed with result <no-cdn-information>.

Due to the base hostname have been changed to from

New CDN base hostname have been added to detect keyword.

fix wrong time parse in get last dinner in OnCallMe