Returns information about the AWS Instance that calls it
npm install @everymundo/aws-instance-identity
const { getIdentityDocument } = require('@everymundo/aws-instance-identity');
.then((result) => {
.catch((err) => {
const { getIdentityDocument } = require('@everymundo/aws-instance-identity');
const init = async() => {
try {
const result = getIdentityDocument();
} catch (e) {
When running locally it will fail the request since that request is done to an endpoint that only works inside the aws infrastructure.
If you really want to get a document you can do so by running a socks proxy with an AWS instance via ssh. The connection can be stablished by running the following command:
# You should replace your-instance-address by your instance address
ssh -ND 8157 your-instance-address &> /dev/null & PID=$! && echo $PID
After that you can just set the environment variable SOCKS_PROXY=socks://
and run your aplication.
You can try that out in a node console
SOCKS_PROXY=socks:// node -e "require('@everymundo/aws-instance-identity').getIdentityDocument().then(console.log)"
The output would be similar to this:
privateIp: '',
devpayProductCodes: null,
availabilityZone: 'us-west-1a',
version: '2010-08-31',
instanceId: 'i-2093840273489',
billingProducts: null,
instanceType: 'm4.xlarge',
accountId: '98237498273984',
architecture: 'x86_64',
kernelId: null,
ramdiskId: null,
imageId: 'ami-34cb443',
pendingTime: '2017-10-20T20:41:03Z',
region: 'us-west-1'
This should bring you an error
node -e "require('@everymundo/aws-instance-identity').getIdentityDocument().catch(console.error)"
The error message would be something similar to this:
{ code: 599,
start: 2018-03-21T04:35:54.692Z,
end: 1521606957775,
{ Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1170:14)
syscall: 'connect',
address: '',
port: 80 },
attempt: 1,
endpoint: '' }