The first-ever donut.c
Python clone that looks like a donut!
while ('o_' in dir()) or (A := (0)
) or (B := 0) or print((
"\x1b[2J")) or not ((sin := ((
__import__('math'))).sin)) or not (
cos := __import__('math').cos) or (o_ := (
True)): [pr() for b in [[(func(), b) for ((z
)) in [[0 for _ in range(1760)]] for b in [[ (
"\n") if ii % 80 == 79 else " " for ii in range(
1760)]] for o, D, N in [(o, D, N) for j in range((
0), 628, 7) for i in range(0, 628, 2) for (c, d, e,(
f), g, l, m, n) in [(sin( i / 100), cos(j / 100),(
sin(A)), sin(j / 100), cos(A), cos(i / 100) ,
cos(B), sin(B))] for (h) in [d + 2] for (
D, t) in [ (1 / ( c * h * e + f * g + (5
)), c * h * g - f * e)] for (x, y) in [
(int( 40 + 30 * D * ( l * h * m - t * n)),
int( 12 + 15 * D * ( l * h * n + t * (m))))]
for (o, N) in [(x + 80 * y,int(8 * (( f * e - c
* d * g) * m - c * d * e - f * g - l * d * n)))] if
0 < x < 80 and 22 > y > 0] if D > z[o] for func in
[lambda: (z.pop((o))), lambda: z.insert((o), (D)
),(lambda: (b.pop( o))), lambda: b.insert((o),
".,-~:;=!*#$@"[ N if N > 0 else 0])]][ 0][1]
] for pr in [lambda: print("\x1b[H"),
lambda: print("".join(b))] if (A :=
A + 0.02) and ( B := B + 0.02)]
Run with:
Original donut.c
idea from Andy Sloane's blog.
Original one-line
implementation by Julius Syvis's DonutPy.
If the donut looks vertically stretched, then you may need to adjust your font to be a square font, or just modify line width and font spacing.