This simple ArcMap addin contains a toolbar with three button commands that helps to quickly convert between map scale and cell size.
The combo box/text box reports the cell size of the current scale when the button is clicked. The user can also manually type a cell size value to zoom to the corresponding map scale. Keeps a history of recently viewed cell sizes which can be cleared with the second button. Some logging messages can be found if the python window is open.
Useful for working with Mosaic Datasets.
The formula used is:
Cell Size = Scale * 0.0254 / 96 Scale = Cell Size * 96 / 0.0254
Currently, this tool assumes the coordinate system of your data frame is using metres.
See details page on ArcGIS Online: Cell Size Calculator
####Quick Start
- Download the repo zip file and extract to your machine
- Double-click the CellSize.esriaddin file to install
- In ArcMap, see Customize menu > Add-In Manager...
- Add the toolbar from the Customize menu > Customize Mode... > Toolbars > Cell Size
####Source code The addin was built using the Python Add-In Wizard
- Edit the file as you see fit
- re-create the .esriaddin file by double clicking in the root directory (or run it from cmd if your .py file association is not pointing to 2.x python install)
#####Version Currently at version 1.0 Tested at ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.2.
#####Future Improvements
- Report the Cell Size automatically when the map scale changes without the need for the button click
- The tool should account for all linear and angular units (Geographic and Projected coordinate systems) possible in ArcMap