Read the .pdf Report - Cameroon License Plate Recognition.pdf
Install python3.7 (if it is not installed ) :
- Activate internet connection
- open the command-line (Ctrl-Alt- T)
- enter sudo apt update
- enter sudo apt install software-properties-common
- enter sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
- enter sudo apt update
- enter sudo apt install python3.7
- close the command-line
Download model_final.pth from and put it in the repository then Download from , extract it and put it in the repository
Install the dependancies :
- open the command-line (Ctrl-Alt-T)
- enter pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Now we need to install detectron2
- enter pip3 install -U torch==1.4+cu100 torchvision==0.5+cu100 -f
- enter pip3 install cython pyyaml==5.1
- enter pip3 install -U 'git+'
- enter pip3 install detectron2 -f
Run the program:
- Take a photo or download a photo or choose a photo in the directory test_images (there are some images of cars)
- enter python "/path/to/image". This means that if the image car.jpg is in the directory .images, we should write python "./images/car.jpg
- It will output the prediction of the license plate