Trail component base upon code by svartmc.
Parameter | Default | Description |
length | 80 | The length of the trail. |
width | 0.8 | The width of the trail. |
resolution | 18 | The detail of the trail. |
color | white | The color of the trail. |
offset | 0 0 0 | The offset of the trail. |
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<a-sphere trail></a-sphere>
trail__red="color:red; offset:-1 0 0"
trail__white="color:white; length:120"
trail__blue="color:blue; offset:1 0 0"
const s = document.createElement('a-sphere');
s.setAttribute('trail','length:50; width:0.9; resolution:10');
const s = document.createElement('a-sphere');
s.setAttribute('trail__red','color:red; offset:-1 0 0');
s.setAttribute('trail__white','color:white; length:120');
s.setAttribute('trail__blue','color:blue; offset:1 0 0');
s.setAttribute('radius', 0.5);
s.setAttribute('circle-movement','center:0 6 -20; radius: 6');