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Radiation design document

Raimonds Virtoss edited this page Aug 5, 2017 · 5 revisions

Radiation in Epoch

Choice of radiation particles Reference:

There are 3 types of ionizing radiation (the harmful ones) - alpha, beta particles and gamma rays.

Alpha particles are the weakest and can be reflected by simple clothing or even a peace of paper, this means they won't fit Epoch universe at all unless used in almost unrealistic amounts.

Gamma rays are not particles which means they penetrate about everything that is not dense enough (lead). While this is most dangerous type, we cannot use them because we can't design reliable defence against them in-game.

Which brings us to Beta particles - these are still particles, but they can penetrate tissue and clothing. Beta particles, however can be stopped by thin sheet of aluminium foil (embedded into clothing), gas masks and even cheap respirators (90%). This gives us developers ability to calculate extra radiation absorption from item armour alone, maybe even design a light "radiation suit" made of aluminium foil (even crafted!) that provides full resistance against radiation, but has absolutely no armour against everything else.

Choice of radiation measurement: Reference

There are few different units of measurements, we will be using two - radioactivity in air and amount of absorbed radioactivity (penetrated and/or inhaled).

Radiation dose absorbed by human is measured in rads or rem (Roentgen). You might remember rads used in Fallout universe, I think that's what we are gonna go with if INT numbers are not too high, otherwise we'll go with Gray (Gy) - 1Gy = 100Rad. Although most Geiger counters I found were measuring in uSv or mSv and would require measuring absorption in Rem, they are designed to measure background radiation and radioactivity dose over a course of an hour/days/years. This is not going to fit well with the game. So Rads it is then!

Radioactivity in air will be an improvised measurement consisting of 2 variables: intensity and max distance. For the sake of simplicity, it consists of 50% particles (explained as irradiated matter of gas, humidity, dust, etc) absorbed by respirator and 50% of penetrating rays absorbed by armour.

Background radiation is an additive variable given to server admins to regulate difficulty. This variable affects unprotected players by default and because it's additive, new players must seek protection to stop it's increase or nullify it with full protection and medicine (see nano pills below). Variable can be set to 0 (default) to disable this difficulty.

Radioactive damage calculations (does not include effects from meds):

//[_intensity,_distance] call radCalc;
_particles = _intensity / 2
_rays = _intensity / 2 + _bGroundRadiation
  • Player with respirator: _intensity = _particles - (90 / _particles * 100) + _rays //90% reduction on particles
  • Player with gas mask: _intensity = _rays //full reduction for particles
  • Player with armour: _intensity = _particles + (_rays call calcRadiationArmor)// not sure yet, but negative values are returned as 0. Background radiation is mitigated by armour, too.
  • Naked player: _intensity = _particles + _rays
_radsPerMinute = _intensity / (distance player) //or per second?

Simply put, naked player will experience full exposure point blank and reduced radiation at the safe distance. If player puts on mask, he gets 90% reduction from particles (half the problem), gas mask gives full protection against particles. Then armor values are calculated to help against harmful rays (again half the problem). A hazmat suit will give full protection regardless of headgear or armor. Properly armored user with gas mask will also have full protection (and typical armor values for PVP).


As mentioned above, hazmat suit is the only one with full radiation protection with a single peace of gear, but provides no other protection and makes user very obvious to other players, easy to spot. Since radioactivity allows for special missions, this could be still a good choice for players to get a nice gear if they craft or buy a hazmat suit. Armour only protects from additive radiation not existing radiation affecting player, meds or other items are used to reduce that.

Meds and food:

  • Nanite injection - instant effect since injection reaches bloodstream. Used to speed up the decay of radioactive deposits (rays that penetrated or particles inhaled) in players body at a cost extra temporary radioactivity level (random 20% - 50%). Rads level is then depleted over short amount of time. However, players with high levels of radiation risk of hitting critical levels during this temporary jump and could even die.
  • Nanite pill - same effect as injection, but no extra radioactivity jump and depletion takes much longer (minutes).
  • Alcohol - Allows to absorb small radiation levels (additive) at a cost of getting drunk.
  • Food - some canned foods will apply radiation (from _bGroundRadiation) because of metal casing becoming radioactive over time. Players should prefer cooked food at all times.
  • Suncream (or similar) - similar buff to alcohol, absorbs radiation over long period of time. Allows survival for people without proper gear.
  • Trader zones - probably full protection from radiation.
  • Rest in trader zones - sitting down (maybe on bench or near campfire) allows reducing radiation levels, but takes long time. Good for new players, not efficient for veterans. All above are consumables and should add to extra consistent money sink.

Radiation sickness:

Radiation sickness is expressed in PP screen effects, extreme doses will damage or kill player. There is a function for PP effects already made.

Radioactive sources (static or array set in object):

  • Background radiation - adds _bGroundRadiation per second
  • Water - swimming adds _bGroundRadiation * 2 per second (or have its own radiation levels set?)
  • wrecks - being within distance applies rads set on that object.
  • special events - similar to wrecks, requires variable set on an object, applies rads.
  • etc