Welcome to EpicBotCoders, a one-man organization specializing in the development of advanced bots, primarily for Discord, using Python and Node.js. These projects are mostly personal endeavors made by mochiron-desu for his personal side projects. Below are some of the key projects:
The Discord Windows Controller Bot is a versatile Python bot designed to manage Windows operations via Discord commands. Key features include:
- Lock Workstation: Secure your computer by locking it remotely through a Discord command.
- Monitor Mouse Movement: Keep track of mouse movements and display updates in a specified Discord channel.
- File Management: Send files through Discord to be saved directly to your local workstation.
The Weekly Message Counter Bot is a Discord bot written in Node.js. It tracks user activity over a week and provides detailed reports. Key features include:
- Message Counting: Count the number of messages sent by each user over the span of a week.
- Weekly Reports: At the end of the week, the bot tallies up scores and displays the results.
- Inactive Member Logs: Admin logs include a list of inactive members.
Thank you for visiting EpicBotCoders. We look forward to helping you automate and enhance your Discord server!