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Embed File

A way to embed a file present in your docs. Support both wikilinks & normal links. Intended to be used by obsidian user.

Activate the plugin

  1. Run pip install mkdocs-embed-file-plugin
  2. Update your mkdocs.yml with :
      - search
      - embed_file
  3. Override your main.html with :
    {% extends "base.html" %}
    {% block extrahead %}
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/css/fontawesome.min.css" integrity="sha384-jLKHWM3JRmfMU0A5x5AkjWkw/EYfGUAGagvnfryNV3F9VqM98XiIH7VBGVoxVSc7" crossorigin="anonymous">
    {% endblock %}


You need to set the site_url in the mkdocs.yml to make the plugin work.


Usage wikilinks markdown links
cite a entire file ![[filename]] ![](filename)
Cite a heading part ![[filename#heading]] ![](filename#heading)
Cite a block ![[filename#^blockid]] ![](filename#^blockid)


The plugin will create :

  • A link to the original file, with the form of : <a href="original link" class="link_citation"><i class='fas fa-link'></i></a>
  • A div with the founded content : <div class="citation">content founded</div>
  • In case of the link / contents is not found the following block is created instead :
    <div class='citation'><a class='link_citation'><i class='fas fa-link'></i></a><p style="text-align: center; display: block"><i class="not_found"> link_alt </i> {a configured message}</p></div>
    The message for the not found file can be customized in mkdocs.yml. The default message is file not exists.

You can add a css in your docs/assets/css (or whatever the path is), and add it to your mkdocs.yml :

    - assets/css/embed_link.css

You can find an example of custom css in docs


If you want, you can add compatibility with :

To do that, adjust your mkdocs.yml

   - attr_list
   - nl2br
   - admonition
   - pymdownx.details
   - search
   - callouts
   - custom-attributes:
        file: 'assets/css/custom_attributes.css'
   - embed_file:
        callouts: true
        custom-attribute: 'assets/css/custom_attributes.css' //need to be the same as in the config!
        language_message: 'file not exists.'

Note : Every extension set in markdown_extensions will be used for the converting, so you can use any extension you want.


  • The embed file don't use plugin you would use.
  • Wikilinks ambiguity are not supported : the first file with the name are used.


Thanks to midnightprioriem for the tooltip plugin.