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registry contract refactor functions and the struct
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nizam-supraoracles committed Nov 25, 2024
1 parent 26beaa5 commit 1f321d4
Showing 1 changed file with 79 additions and 13 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -5,78 +5,144 @@ module supra_framework::automation_registry {

use std::signer;
use aptos_std::table;
use supra_framework::timestamp;
use supra_framework::reconfiguration;
use supra_framework::account;
use supra_framework::account::SignerCapability;
use supra_framework::event;
use supra_framework::transaction_context;
use supra_framework::system_addresses;

/// Registry Id not found
const EREGITRY_NOT_FOUND: u64 = 1;

/// Default automation gas limit
const DEFAULT_AUTOMATION_GAS_LIMIT: u64 = 1000000;
/// Default upper gas duration in seconds
const DEFAULT_DURATION_UPPER_LIMIT: u64 = 2592000;
/// Registry resource creation seed
const REGISTRY_RESOURCE_SEED: vector<u8> = b"supra_framework::automation_registry";

/// It tracks entries both pending and completed, organized by unique indices.
struct RegistryData has key, store {
struct AutomationRegistry has key, store {
/// The current unique index counter for registries. This value increments as new registries are added.
current_index: u64,
/// automation gas limit
automation_gas_limit: u64,
/// duration upper limit
duration_upper_limit: u64,
/// it's resource address which is use to deposit user automation fee
registry_fee_address: address,
/// resource account signature capability
registry_fee_address_signer_cap: SignerCapability,
/// A collection of automation task entries that are active state.
pending_registries: table::Table<u64, AutomationTaskMetaData>,
registries: table::Table<u64, AutomationTaskMetaData>,

/// `AutomationTaskMetaData` represents a single automation task item, containing metadata.
struct AutomationTaskMetaData has copy, store, drop {
/// Automation task request id which is unique
id: u64,
/// The address of the registry owner.
owner: address,
/// The function signature associated with the registry entry.
payload_tx: vector<u8>,
/// Expiry of the registry entry, represented in either epoch time or a timestamp.
/// Expiry of the registry entry, represented in a timestamp.
expiry_time: u64,
/// The transaction hash of the request transaction.
tx_hash: vector<u8>,
/// A boolean is_active indicating whether the registry entry processed or not. If it's expired -> false
/// Max gas fee of automation task
max_gas: u64,
/// maximum gas price cap for the task
gas_price_cap: u64,
/// registration epoch number
registration_epoch: u64,
/// registration epoch time
registration_time: u64,
/// A boolean is_active indicating whether the registry entry start processing or not
is_active: bool

// todo : this function should call during initialzation, but since we already done genesis in that case who can access the function
fun initialize(supra_framework: &signer) {
move_to(supra_framework, RegistryData {

let (registry_fee_resource_signer, registry_fee_address_signer_cap) = account::create_resource_account(

move_to(supra_framework, AutomationRegistry {
current_index: 0,
pending_registries: table::new(),
automation_gas_limit: DEFAULT_AUTOMATION_GAS_LIMIT,
duration_upper_limit: DEFAULT_DURATION_UPPER_LIMIT,
registry_fee_address: signer::address_of(&registry_fee_resource_signer),
registries: table::new(),

// todo withdraw amount from resource accoun to specified address
fun withdraw() {}

public(friend) fun on_new_epoch() {
// todo : should perform clean up and updation of state

/// Registers a new automation task entry.
public entry fun register(owner: &signer, payload_tx: vector<u8>, expiry_time: u64) acquires RegistryData {
public entry fun register(
owner: &signer,
payload_tx: vector<u8>,
expiry_time: u64,
max_gas: u64,
gas_price_cap: u64
) acquires AutomationRegistry {
// todo : well formedness check of payload_tx
// todo : pre-paid amount collect from the user
// todo : duration/expiry in seconds
// todo : expiry does not go beyond upper cap duration set by admin/governance
// todo : expiry should not be before the start of next epoch
// todo : automation_gas_limit check
// todo : gas_price_cap should not below chain minimum

let registry_data = borrow_global_mut<RegistryData>(@supra_framework);
let registry_data = borrow_global_mut<AutomationRegistry>(@supra_framework);
registry_data.current_index = registry_data.current_index + 1;

let automation_task_metadata = AutomationTaskMetaData {
id: registry_data.current_index,
owner: signer::address_of(owner),
is_active: false,
registration_epoch: reconfiguration::current_epoch(),
registration_time: timestamp::now_seconds(),
tx_hash: transaction_context::get_transaction_hash() // todo : need to double check is that work or not

table::add(&mut registry_data.pending_registries, registry_data.current_index, automation_task_metadata);
table::add(&mut registry_data.registries, registry_data.current_index, automation_task_metadata);


/// List all the active automation task
public fun get_active_tasks(): vector<AutomationTaskMetaData> acquires AutomationRegistry {
let automation_task_metadata = borrow_global<AutomationRegistry>(@supra_framework);
// todo : It's depends upto are we using vector or table

/// Retrieves the details of a automation task entry by its ID.
/// Returns a tuple where the first element indicates if the registry is completed/failed (`true`) or pending (`false`),
/// and the second element contains the `AutomationTaskMetaData` details.
public fun get_task_details(id: u64): AutomationTaskMetaData acquires RegistryData {
let automation_task_metadata = borrow_global<RegistryData>(@supra_framework);
assert!(table::contains(&automation_task_metadata.pending_registries, id), EREGITRY_NOT_FOUND);
*table::borrow(&automation_task_metadata.pending_registries, id)
public fun get_task_details(id: u64): AutomationTaskMetaData acquires AutomationRegistry {
let automation_task_metadata = borrow_global<AutomationRegistry>(@supra_framework);
assert!(table::contains(&automation_task_metadata.registries, id), EREGITRY_NOT_FOUND);
*table::borrow(&automation_task_metadata.registries, id)

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