A base scriptable object that can be used to see if an object mets certain criteria in Unity3D.
Right-click in the Project Tab. In the pop up, go to Create -> Endar Scripts -> Criteria and pick the one you want to use.
CriteriaDataBase has a method called MetsCriteria. Send the object you want checked as a parameter into this method. The method will return true if the object mets the specified criteria.
CriteriaData - Checks if a GameObject has a certain tag and/or is on a layer.
RigidbodyCriteriaData - Checks a GameObject to see if its RigidBody has velocity, angular velocity, mass, gravity, and/or kinematic settings matching the required settings.
CompoundCriteria - Checks if an object mets a minimum number of other CriteriaData.
You can make your own CriteriaData scripts by inheriting from CriteriaDataBase.