A simple Python application for looking up information about domain names: this tool performs WHOIS lookups and retrieves the associated IP address for a given domain, making it useful for web developers, IT professionals, and anyone interested in domain management.
- Domain Validation: Checks if the provided domain format is valid using regular expressions.
- WHOIS Lookup: Connects to the WHOIS server to fetch registration details about the specified domain.
- IP Address Retrieval: Retrieves the IP address associated with the entered domain.
- User-Friendly GUI: Built with Tkinter, providing an intuitive user interface.
- Data Export Options: Save lookup results to a text or CSV file for easy record-keeping.
- Repeated Lookups: Perform multiple domain lookups in a single session.
- Error Handling: Informative feedback for invalid inputs and connection issues.
Clone the Repository: Open your terminal and run the following command to clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Elthiero/domain-lookup-tool.git
Go to the directory: Run the following command to navigate to the directory:
cd domain-lookup-tool
Run the program: Run the following command to run the program:
python3 domainInfoGUI_v1.py #for GUI python3 domainInfo_v2.py #for cli v2
This screenshot shows the user interface of the Domain Lookup Tool.