- FastQC quality control:
- program: fastqc.snakefile.py
- Trimming and repeat FastQC:
- program: fastqc_trimmomatic.snakefile.py
- Read mapping to a sex-specific reference genome and read count quantification with salmon:
- program: salmon.snakefile
All programs run in a conda environment for version control. Conda environment can be recreated with fastqc_environment.yml
Sex-specific reference genomes created with the GENCODE GRCH38 genome by hard masking the y-chromosome for the female-specific reference genome and hard masking the pseudoautosomal regions of the y-chromosome for the male-specific genome
- Differential expression analysis, visualization, and regularized regression models:
- program: Differential_Expression_Krueger_Bastian_Scatolini.Rmd
- Association of genes with progression of melanoma
- program: Scatolini_progression_of_genes.Rmd
- Gene lists were harmonized using David Web Services to convert all probe names from the Krueger and Scatolini datasets into official gene symbols