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Photosphere Viewer for React.JS

npm install react-photo-sphere-viewer

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


This is a simple React component that allows you to display a 360° photo sphere. It is based on PhotoSphereViewer by Mistic100. This component is a well managed wrapper around the original JS library. It is easy to use and has a lot of features. It is also easy to customize. It is also easy to extend. Addictional features are:

  • Little Planet Mode: display the panorama like a little planet (Similar to the DJI drones exported panoramas)



Standard props

type standardProps = {
  src: string; // The URL of the panorama image.
  height: number;
  width?: number;
  containerClass?: string; // The class name of the div that wrap the component.
  littlePlanet?: boolean; // Display the panorama like a little planet.

Original props

Currently all options of the original library are supported and exported as props.

 * @summary Viewer options, see {@link}
type ViewerOptions = {
  container: HTMLElement | string;
  panorama?: any;
  adapter?: AdapterConstructor<any> | [AdapterConstructor<any>, any];
  caption?: string;
  description?: string;
  downloadUrl?: string;
  loadingImg?: string;
  loadingTxt?: string;
  size?: Size;
  fisheye?: boolean;
  minFov?: number;
  maxFov?: number;
  defaultZoomLvl?: number;
  defaultLong?: number;
  defaultLat?: number;
  sphereCorrection?: { pan?: number, tilt?: number, roll?: number };
  moveSpeed?: number;
  zoomSpeed?: number;
  autorotateDelay?: number,
  autorotateIdle?: boolean;
  autorotateSpeed?: string | number;
  autorotateLat?: number;
  moveInertia?: boolean;
  mousewheel?: boolean;
  mousemove?: boolean;
  captureCursor?: boolean;
  mousewheelCtrlKey?: boolean;
  touchmoveTwoFingers?: boolean;
  useXmpData?: boolean;
  panoData?: PanoData | PanoDataProvider;
  requestHeaders?: Record<string, string> | ((url: string) => Record<string, string>);
  canvasBackground?: string;
  withCredentials?: boolean;
  navbar?: string | Array<string | NavbarCustomButton>;
  lang?: Record<string, string>;
  keyboard?: Record<string, string>;
  plugins?: Array<PluginConstructor<any> | [PluginConstructor<any>, any]>;

This code is generated from the original library. Click here to see documentation.


All documented events are exported as props (function names).

type ViewerEvents = {
  onPositionChange?(lat: number, lng: number): any;
  onZoomChange?(zoom: number): any;
  onClick?(data: ClickData): void;
  onDblclick?(data: ClickData): void;
  onReady?(): void;

You can declare an event callback:

const handleClick = (data: ClickData) => {

and then:

{/*Pass the callback to the component*/}
<ReactPhotoSphereViewer ref={photoSphereRef} src="Test_Pano.jpg" onClick={handleClick}></ReactPhotoSphereViewer>

To see the original events, click here.


To trigger a method you need to pass a reference to the component and access the method directly.

// Create a reference to the component
const photoSphereRef = React.createRef<ReactPhotoSphereViewer>();

// And calling the method

And then:

{/*Pass the ref to the component*/}
<ReactPhotoSphereViewer ref={photoSphereRef} src="Test_Pano.jpg"></ReactPhotoSphereViewer>

Currently managed methods are:

  • animate(options: AnimateOptions)
  • destroy()
  • rotate(options: { x: number, y: number })
  • setOption(option: keyof ViewerOptions, value: any)
  • zoom(value: number)
  • zoomIn()
  • zoomOut()
  • startAutoRotate()
  • stopAutoRotate()

To see the original methods, click here.


import './App.css';
import ReactPhotoSphereViewer from 'react-photo-sphere-viewer';
import React from 'react';

function App() {
  const photoSphereRef = React.useRef();

  const handleClick = () => {
      latitude: 0,
      longitude: 0,
      zoom: 55,
      speed: '10rpm',

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <ReactPhotoSphereViewer ref={photoSphereRef} src="Test_Pano.jpg" height={'100vh'} width={"100%"} onClick={handleClick}></ReactPhotoSphereViewer>

export default App;

Little planet mode

I've added this custom effect that allows you to display the panorama like a little planet. To enable it, you need to pass the littlePlanet prop to the component.

<ReactPhotoSphereViewer ref={photoSphereRef} src="Test_Pano.jpg" littlePlanet={true} height={'100vh'} width={"100%"} onClick={handleClick}></ReactPhotoSphereViewer>

The effect is this:



MIT © elius94