bases2fastq-nf is a bioinformatics pipeline used to demultiplex the raw data produced by the Element AVITI™ System using the Bases2Fastq Software. Bases2Fastq processes sequencing data and converts base calls into FASTQ files. During a sequencing run, the Element AVITI™ System records base calls and associated quality scores (Q-scores) in bases files. Bases2Fastq converts the bases files into the FASTQ file format for secondary analysis with the FASTQ-compatible software of your choice.
- The Bases2Fastq Documentation has detailed execution information for changing parameters.
- The Run Manifest Documentation has detailed information for resetting demultiplexing settings, controlled by the input Run Manifest.
Bases2fastq-nf enables you to run Bases2Fastq on any environment that supports running nextflow.
nextflow run . -profile test
nextflow run . -profile test_index_fastq
nextflow run . -profile test_legacy_fastq
nextflow run . -profile test_projects
nextflow run . -profile test_qc_only
nextflow run . -profile test_custom_manifest_s3
nextflow run . -profile test_custom_manifest_local
nextflow run . -profile test_custom_manifest_rundir
nextflow run . -profile test_s3
nextflow run . -profile test_s3_zipped
nf-test test
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