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yaptide backend


Run: $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Download/update sumbmodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Running the app

  1. Get the redis

    • If you already use it just start it on port 6379
    • If not good solution would comes with help of docker, run the following commands:
      • $ docker run -dp 6379:6379 redis
  2. Run Celery with $ celery --app yaptide.celery.worker worker -P threads --loglevel=info

    • You can reuse the same terminal, as for redis, as docker sends redis process to the background
  3. In new terminal set FLASK_APP env variable (explanation):

    • Windows CMD: $ set FLASK_APP=yaptide.application
    • Windows Powershell: $ $env:FLASK_APP = "yaptide.application"
    • Linux: $ export FLASK_APP=yaptide.application
  4. Run the app: $ flask run

    • By default the app will re-create the database with each run, dropping it in the process.
    • To persist the database between runs this with app.app_context(): models.create_models() in yaptide/ inside the create_app factory.

Building/Running with Docker

You can build and run the app using the following command:

docker compose up -d --build

Once it's running, the app will be available at http://localhost:5000. If you get an error saying the container name is already in use, stop and remove the container and then try again.

When you're ready to stop the containers, use the following commands:

docker compose stop
docker system prune

Local Authorisation

Currently, there is a first version of authorisation. For now we need to register new user and log in.

  1. Register: Example curl for Windows cmd:
curl -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{\"username\": \"login\", \"password\": \"password\" }" http://localhost:5000/auth/register
  1. Log in: Example curl for Windows cmd:
curl -i -X POST -c cookies.txt -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{\"username\": \"login\", \"password\": \"password\" }" http://localhost:5000/auth/login
  1. Status: Example curl for Windows cmd:
curl -i -X GET -b cookies.txt http://localhost:5000/auth/status
  1. Refresh: Example curl for Windows cmd:
curl -i -X GET -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt http://localhost:5000/auth/refresh
  1. Logout: Example curl for Windows cmd:
curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/auth/logout

Docker database

Now registering, updating and deleting users is available with the use of located in yaptide/admin folder. Once docker compose is running, you can use the following command: docker exec -w /usr/local/app/ yaptide_flask ./yaptide/admin/ --help.

To add an user run:

docker exec -w /usr/local/app/ yaptide_flask ./yaptide/admin/ add-user admin --password mysecretpassword

Testing API with command-line tools

Currently converter is parsing some of the frontend input so it would be wise to pass the valid json in order to run the simulation (or you just end up with 500 API status)

Example curl for Windows cmd:

curl -i -X POST -b cookies.txt -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d @path/to/jsonfile http://localhost:5000/jobs/direct

And for Linux:

curl -i -X POST -b cookies.txt -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d @path/to/jsonfile "http://localhost:5000/jobs/direct"

You can also add parameters after ? sign like this: http://localhost:5000/jobs/direct?<param name>=<param value> Possible parameters:

  • jobs - number of threads simulations should run on
  • sim_type - name of the simulator you wish to use, possible are shieldhit which is default, topas and dummy (note that they might not be working yet and for the purpose of testing just API not simulation results, use dummy)

The result of curl contains the job_id by which you can access the status of task started in the backend. In this case you can access the status by another curl.

Example curl for Windows cmd:

curl -i -X GET -b cookies.txt -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{\"job_id\": \"<job_id>\"}" http://localhost:5000/jobs/direct

And for Linux:

curl -i -X GET -b cookies.txt -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{'job_id' : '<job_id>'}" "http://localhost:5000/jobs/direct"

Windows running script

There are 3 scripts prepared for Windows. Example calls:

.\scripts\run_yaptide.bat <shieldhit_binary_file_path>
.\scripts\run_dev_testing.bat <shieldhit_binary_file_path>

First script setups the YAPTIDE environment Second allows to delete YAPTIDE environment Third one setups the environment, runs tests and deletes environment

For developers


Alternative method for installation of requirements using venv.

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Run tests on Linux with:


on Windows you need to run them one by one:

Get-ChildItem -Path "tests" -Filter "test_*.py" -Recurse | foreach { pytest $_.FullName }


This work was partially funded by EuroHPC PL Project, Smart Growth Operational Programme 4.2


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  • Python 98.1%
  • Shell 1.2%
  • Other 0.7%