Basic api client for the Daktela/CCHUB api v6
Handles auth, session, retry. Import and extend for custom middleware development.
Api Docs
basic class to act as a client for the CCHUB Api
it is expected that this Class will be extended with business logic
for middleware purposes
handle auth, session and retry functionality
provide basic methods for the api endpoints
# with dynamic methods:
self.get_accounts() # get first page. default pagesize is 100
self.get_accounts('name_4385245245') # get single item
self.post_{model}(json={...}) # add single item
self.put_{model}(cchub_uid, json={...}) # update single item
self.get_all_{model} # get all items
models = [
# sending data to the server. This does not need to be converted to json
# just send the object. self.post_account(json=dict(...))
json: {
'title': 'string',
'database': {
'title': 'string'
'customFields': {
'MyCustomField': 'string'
'skip': 0, # offset
'take': 20, # pagesize
'sort': [
{"field":"firstname", "dir":"desc"},
{"field":"lastname", "dir":"asc"}
], # custom field example: "field": "customFields.telefon"
"filter": {
"field": "firstname",
"operator": "eq", # various operators available
"value": "John"
}, # filter can be a list of filter dicts
"fields": [
], # limit the fields which are returned
response.status_code: 200
response.url: api_endpoint
response.json(): {
"error": [],
"result": {
"data": [
"title": "string",
"database": {
"title": "string"
"customFields": {
"MyCustomField": "string"
"total": 0