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Updated to latest EcsRx + Bumped to Unity 2021

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@grofit grofit released this 27 Mar 09:25
· 3 commits to master since this release

There has been an underlying change in SystemsRx which alters how dependency injection is handled giving more of a separation between registration and resolution.

For all intents and purposes the only changes you will notice are that you will no longer have an IDependencyContainer and instead have an IDependencyRegistry and IDependencyResolver. The same methods exist they are just split between the two interfaces now and the IUnityInstantiator still exists as it used to.

Finally the minimum Unity version has been bumped to 2021, this is so we can use .netstandard 2.1 and C#8 from the base libraries, internally we have moved the project to use nuget directly so the assemblies are no longer in the ecsrx folder and are instead in a packages folder.