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EX3exp committed Oct 31, 2023
1 parent 29b30b3 commit f5980d7
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286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions OpenUtau.Core/DiffSinger/DiffSingerKoreanPhonemizer.cs
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@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Melanchall.DryWetMidi.Interaction;
using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime;
using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Tensors;
using OpenUtau.Api;
using OpenUtau.Core.Ustx;
using OpenUtau.Core.Util;
using Serilog;
using static OpenUtau.Api.Phonemizer;

// TODO 이중모음 늘어지는 문제 해결, 이중모음 분리 + 이중모음 미분리 케이스 모두 구현

namespace OpenUtau.Core.DiffSinger{
[Phonemizer("DiffSinger Korean Phonemizer", "DIFFS KO", language: "KO")]
public class DiffSingerKoreanPhonemizer : DiffSingerBasePhonemizer{
protected Hanguel hangeul = new Hanguel();
USinger singer;
DsConfig dsConfig;
string rootPath;
float frameMs;
InferenceSession linguisticModel;
InferenceSession durationModel;
IG2p g2p;
List<string> phonemes;
DiffSingerSpeakerEmbedManager speakerEmbedManager;

string defaultPause = "SP";

public override void SetSinger(USinger singer) {
this.singer = singer;
if (File.Exists(Path.Join(singer.Location, "dsdur", "dsconfig.yaml"))) {
rootPath = Path.Combine(singer.Location, "dsdur");
} else {
rootPath = singer.Location;
//Load Config
var configPath = Path.Join(rootPath, "dsconfig.yaml");
try {
var configTxt = File.ReadAllText(configPath);
dsConfig = Yaml.DefaultDeserializer.Deserialize<DsConfig>(configTxt);
} catch(Exception e) {
Log.Error(e, $"failed to load dsconfig from {configPath}");
this.frameMs = dsConfig.frameMs();
//Load g2p
g2p = LoadG2p(rootPath);
//Load phonemes list
string phonemesPath = Path.Combine(rootPath, dsConfig.phonemes);
phonemes = File.ReadLines(phonemesPath,singer.TextFileEncoding).ToList();
//Load models
var linguisticModelPath = Path.Join(rootPath, dsConfig.linguistic);
try {
linguisticModel = new InferenceSession(linguisticModelPath);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.Error(e, $"failed to load linguistic model from {linguisticModelPath}");
var durationModelPath = Path.Join(rootPath, dsConfig.dur);
try {
durationModel = new InferenceSession(durationModelPath);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.Error(e, $"failed to load duration model from {durationModelPath}");

protected Note variateThisNote(Note? prevNeighbour, Note[] notes, Note? nextNeighbour){
Note noteToReturn = notes[0];
noteToReturn.lyric = hangeul.merge(hangeul.variate(prevNeighbour, notes[0], nextNeighbour));
return noteToReturn;

string[] GetSymbols(Note note) {
//1. phonetic hint
//2. query from g2p dictionary
//3. treat lyric as phonetic hint, including single phoneme
//4. default pause
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(note.phoneticHint)) {
// Split space-separated symbols into an array.
return note.phoneticHint.Split()
.Where(s => g2p.IsValidSymbol(s)) // skip the invalid symbols.
// User has not provided hint, query g2p dictionary.
var g2presult = g2p.Query(note.lyric)
?? g2p.Query(note.lyric.ToLowerInvariant());
if(g2presult != null) {
return g2presult;
//not founded in g2p dictionary, treat lyric as phonetic hint
var lyricSplited = note.lyric.Split()
.Where(s => g2p.IsValidSymbol(s)) // skip the invalid symbols.
if (lyricSplited.Length > 0) {
return lyricSplited;
return new string[] { defaultPause };

string GetSpeakerAtIndex(Note note, int index){
var attr = note.phonemeAttributes?.FirstOrDefault(attr => attr.index == index) ?? default;
var speaker = singer.Subbanks
.Where(subbank => subbank.Color == attr.voiceColor && subbank.toneSet.Contains(note.tone))
if(speaker is null) {
return "";
return speaker.Suffix;

dsPhoneme[] GetDsPhonemes(Note note){
return GetSymbols(note)
.Select((symbol, index) => new dsPhoneme(symbol, GetSpeakerAtIndex(note, index)))

List<phonemesPerNote> ProcessWord(Note[] notes){
var wordPhonemes = new List<phonemesPerNote>{
new phonemesPerNote(-1, notes[0].tone)
var dsPhonemes = GetDsPhonemes(notes[0]);
var isVowel = dsPhonemes.Select(s => g2p.IsVowel(s.Symbol)).ToArray();
var nonExtensionNotes = notes.Where(n=>!IsSyllableVowelExtensionNote(n)).ToArray();
//distribute phonemes to notes
var noteIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dsPhonemes.Length; i++) {
if (isVowel[i] && noteIndex < nonExtensionNotes.Length) {
var note = nonExtensionNotes[noteIndex];
wordPhonemes.Add(new phonemesPerNote(note.position, note.tone));
return wordPhonemes;

int framesBetweenTickPos(double tickPos1, double tickPos2) {
return (int)(timeAxis.TickPosToMsPos(tickPos2)/frameMs)
- (int)(timeAxis.TickPosToMsPos(tickPos1)/frameMs);

protected override void ProcessPart(Note[][] phrase) {
float padding = 500f;//Padding time for consonants at the beginning of a sentence, ms
float frameMs = dsConfig.frameMs();
var startMs = timeAxis.TickPosToMsPos(phrase[0][0].position) - padding;
var lastNote = phrase[^1][^1];
var endTick = lastNote.position+lastNote.duration;
//[(Tick position of note, [phonemes])]
//The first item of this list is for the consonants before the first note.
var phrasePhonemes = new List<phonemesPerNote>{
new phonemesPerNote(-1,phrase[0][0].tone, new List<dsPhoneme>{new dsPhoneme("SP", GetSpeakerAtIndex(phrase[0][0], 0))})
var notePhIndex = new List<int> { 1 };

String? prev = null;
String? next = phrase[1][0].lyric;
int i = 0;
foreach (var character in phrase) {
next = null;
if (i != phrase.Length - 1){
next = phrase[i + 1][0].lyric;

Debug.Print("prev: " + prev + "curr: " + character[0].lyric + "next: " + next);
String? prevTemp = character[0].lyric;
character[0].lyric = hangeul.variate(prev, character[0].lyric, next);
prev = prevTemp;

var wordPhonemes = ProcessWord(character);
i += 1;

phrasePhonemes.Add(new phonemesPerNote(endTick,lastNote.tone));
phrasePhonemes[0].Position = timeAxis.MsPosToTickPos(
//Linguistic Encoder
var tokens = phrasePhonemes
.SelectMany(n => n.Phonemes)
.Select(p => (Int64)phonemes.IndexOf(p.Symbol))
var word_div = phrasePhonemes.Take(phrasePhonemes.Count-1)
.Select(n => (Int64)n.Phonemes.Count)
var word_dur = phrasePhonemes
.Zip(phrasePhonemes.Skip(1), (a, b) => (long)framesBetweenTickPos(a.Position, b.Position))
//Call Diffsinger Linguistic Encoder model
var linguisticInputs = new List<NamedOnnxValue>();
new DenseTensor<Int64>(tokens, new int[] { tokens.Length }, false)
.Reshape(new int[] { 1, tokens.Length })));
new DenseTensor<Int64>(word_div, new int[] { word_div.Length }, false)
.Reshape(new int[] { 1, word_div.Length })));
new DenseTensor<Int64>(word_dur, new int[] { word_dur.Length }, false)
.Reshape(new int[] { 1, word_dur.Length })));
var linguisticOutputs = linguisticModel.Run(linguisticInputs);
Tensor<float> encoder_out = linguisticOutputs
.Where(o => o.Name == "encoder_out")
Tensor<bool> x_masks = linguisticOutputs
.Where(o => o.Name == "x_masks")
//Duration Predictor
var ph_midi = phrasePhonemes
.SelectMany(n=>Enumerable.Repeat((Int64)n.Tone, n.Phonemes.Count))
//Call Diffsinger Duration Predictor model
var durationInputs = new List<NamedOnnxValue>();
durationInputs.Add(NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor("encoder_out", encoder_out));
durationInputs.Add(NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor("x_masks", x_masks));
new DenseTensor<Int64>(ph_midi, new int[] { ph_midi.Length }, false)
.Reshape(new int[] { 1, ph_midi.Length })));
if(dsConfig.speakers != null){
var speakerEmbedManager = getSpeakerEmbedManager();
var speakersByPhone = phrasePhonemes
.SelectMany(n => n.Phonemes)
.Select(p => p.Speaker)
var spkEmbedTensor = speakerEmbedManager.PhraseSpeakerEmbedByPhone(speakersByPhone);
durationInputs.Add(NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor("spk_embed", spkEmbedTensor));
var durationOutputs = durationModel.Run(durationInputs);
List<double> durationFrames = durationOutputs.First().AsTensor<float>().Select(x=>(double)x).ToList();

//(the index of the phoneme to be aligned, the Ms position of the phoneme)
var phAlignPoints = new List<Tuple<int, double>>();
phAlignPoints = CumulativeSum(phrasePhonemes.Select(n => n.Phonemes.Count).ToList(), 0)
(a, b) => new Tuple<int, double>(a, timeAxis.TickPosToMsPos(b.Position)))
var positions = new List<double>();
List<double> alignGroup = durationFrames.GetRange(1, phAlignPoints[0].Item1 - 1);

var phs = phrasePhonemes.SelectMany(n => n.Phonemes).ToList();
//The starting consonant's duration keeps unchanged
positions.AddRange(stretch(alignGroup, frameMs, phAlignPoints[0].Item2));
//Stretch the duration of the rest phonemes
foreach (var pair in phAlignPoints.Zip(phAlignPoints.Skip(1), (a, b) => Tuple.Create(a, b))) {
var currAlignPoint = pair.Item1;
var nextAlignPoint = pair.Item2;
alignGroup = durationFrames.GetRange(currAlignPoint.Item1, nextAlignPoint.Item1 - currAlignPoint.Item1);
double ratio = (nextAlignPoint.Item2 - currAlignPoint.Item2) / alignGroup.Sum();
positions.AddRange(stretch(alignGroup, ratio, nextAlignPoint.Item2));

//Convert the position sequence to tick and fill into the result list
int index = 1;
foreach (int groupIndex in Enumerable.Range(0, phrase.Length)) {
Note[] group = phrase[groupIndex];
var noteResult = new List<Tuple<string, int>>();
if (group[0].lyric.StartsWith("+")) {
double notePos = timeAxis.TickPosToMsPos(group[0].position);//start position of the note, ms
for (int phIndex = notePhIndex[groupIndex]; phIndex < notePhIndex[groupIndex + 1]; ++phIndex) {
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(phs[phIndex].Symbol)) {
noteResult.Add(Tuple.Create(phs[phIndex].Symbol, timeAxis.TicksBetweenMsPos(
notePos, positions[phIndex - 1])));
partResult[group[0].position] = noteResult;


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