#Technology Evaluation Framework
The Technology Evaluation Framework (TEF) was developed by John Graybeal (@graybeal), as an ESIP Testbed project, to support the evaluation of NASA AIST software or technology products. The evaluation is based on NASA's Technology Readiness Levels.
More information and files can be found on the Products & Services site, in the 01-19-2016 Telecon page.
TRL Evaluation Structure.xlsx:
This is the delivered evaluation spreadsheet.
To download, go to the TRL Evaluation Structure.xslx and click the "Raw" button in the upper right; or paste the URL https://github.com/ESIPFed/technology-evaluation-framework/raw/master/TRL%20Evaluation%20Structure.xslx into your browser and hit return; or download the entire repository as a ZIP file.
The URLs at which the original Google doc can be viewed are:
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1trb-1Lszz_TXzE0xWClQMIeNjmpvmVtwEbl7GNV-TbM/edit#gid=2073129365
- http://bit.ly/esip-trl-eval-structure Note the Google doc might have changed since originally stored there.
Development Branch
Some work was done on a development version of the spreadsheet. The principle change was the existence of a set of Fitness questions, that the author was fond of. That spreadsheet can be downloaded from the Telecon page, or directly by using