The initial project of Inventory managemen for ERA IITK
Developed by Muskan Agarwal, Luvneesh Kumar, Shobhit Jagga. UG Students and members of Team ERA IITK. V0.9 consists of a login page, User page and Admin page. Login Page and dashboard was created for admins and users using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The back end is Written in PHP and the front-end is in CSS and Html5. The work on Back end has been completed for the following features :
- New User registration
- Login for User and Administrator
- Reset password by Admin.
- Admin independent password reset
- Captcha integration
- Current Checkouts
- Availible components
- Logout function
- change password function
- checkout component
- integrating Search api
- QR code scanner for component.
- Current components
- checked out components
- Add component
- Logout
- Issue component
- Search Api
The Front end has been made and integrated for User and Admin pages.