The Project Player is a flexible Angular-based Web component for project consumption. Easily adaptable for various frameworks or vanilla JS apps. Enhance user experiences seamlessly built with the help of angular version 17.
Angular 17, Nodejs 18.20.7
- clone this repository
- Run
npm install
after cloning the repo in local to install the necessary dependencies
Run npm run build-player
To build the player with the latest changes and to reflect the changes in webcomponent
Navigate to projects/demo-app
and Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
In-case the changes have been done in the library, after successful build by npm run build-player
the changes would automatically reflect in the app as well. ( only applicable to this app and not the react demo app).
Download the Web Component
- Run the following command to install the web component:
npm i project-player
- Run the following command to install the web component:
Include the Web Component Script
- Open the
file. - Navigate to the
section underprojects -> project-player-library -> architect -> build
. - Add the path to the web component script:
"scripts": [ "node_modules/project-player/project-player-component.js" ]
- Open the
Include the Web Component Styles
- In the same
file, go to the"styles"
section underprojects -> project-player-library -> architect -> build
. - Add the path to the web component's CSS file:
"styles": [ "node_modules/project-player/styles.css" ]
- In the same
Include Schemas in the module.ts file
- Add the below schema in the module file of the angular application
Add the following tag created from the web component:
<project-player [config]="config" [projectData]="projectData"></project-player>
config = {
maxFileSize: <sizeInNumber>,
baseUrl: <projectBaseUrl>,
accessToken: <accessToken>,
profileInfo: {}
projectData = <projectData>;
config: This object contains the key settings for the player:
- maxFileSize: The maximum file size (in MB) allowed for attachments at both the project and task levels.
- baseUrl: The base URL for hitting APIs that retrieve project info and sync the project.
- accessToken: Used for authentication and securing API calls that require a token.
- profileInfo: Any additional user profile-related data.
This object holds data to enable various functionalities within the project player.
The unique identifier for the project.
Used to retrieve project-related data from the server's API.
Helps the web component load and interact with specific project data.
Example projectData object for more details.
This section contains the global styles that should be added to the application's global styles file (e.g., global.scss
). These styles will be used to define the visual appearance and theme for the player.
:root {
--primary-color: <color>;
--disabled-btn-bg: <color>;
--disabled-btn-text: <color>;