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Catalog plots

jdhayhurst edited this page Nov 3, 2021 · 8 revisions

Generate study table with summary stats true/false status


  1. Docker needs to be installed:
  2. Using a terminal run the following (cd to the directory you want the output to be written to):
  • docker run -it ebispot/gwas-utils python /catalogPlots/
  1. Let it run (it may take several minutes to collect all the data from the REST API
  2. The output is written to the current working directory to a file called study_download_with_sumstats_status_YYYY-MM-DD.tsv
  • Note If you need to update the docker container to reflect any changes in the software:
  • docker pull ebispot/gwas-utils to pull the latest docker image

Compute cluster (LSF)

  1. login to cluster and cd to the directory you want the output written to
  2. bsub -M4000 -R "rusage[mem=4000]" "singularity exec docker://ebispot/gwas-utils:latest python /catalogPlots/"
  3. wait for email from lsf to tell you it's done
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