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ebi-metagenomics/miassembler is a bioinformatics pipeline for the assembly of short metagenomic reads using SPAdes or MEGAHIT.

  1. Read QC using FastQC
  2. Present QC for raw reads and assembly MultiQC
  3. Performs assembly using MEGAHIT and SPAdes, and checks assembly quality using Quast
  4. Removes contaminated contigs using BLASTN and SeqKit
  5. Calculates assembly coverage using MetaBAT2 metabat2_jgi_summarizebamcontigdepths for per contig depth and Samtools idxstats for alignment summary statistics.

This pipeline is still in early development. It's mostly a direct port of the mi-automation assembly generation pipeline. Some of the bespoke scripts used to remove contaminated contigs or to calculate the coverage of the assembly were replaced with tools provided by the community (SeqKit and quast respectively).


This pipeline uses the nf-core template with some tweaks, but it's not part of nf-core.



It only runs in Codon using Slurm ATM.

Pipeline help:

Typical pipeline command:

  nextflow run ebi-metagenomics/miassembler --help

Input/output options
  --study_accession                       [string]  The ENA Study secondary accession
  --reads_accession                       [string]  The ENA Run primary accession
  --private_study                         [boolean] To use if the ENA study is private
  --samplesheet                           [string]  Path to comma-separated file containing information about the raw reads with the prefix to be used.
  --assembler                             [string]  The short reads assembler (accepted: spades, metaspades, megahit)
  --single_end                            [boolean] Force the single_end value for the study / reads
  --library_strategy                      [string]  Force the library_strategy value for the study / reads (accepted: metagenomic, metatranscriptomic,
                                                    genomic, transcriptomic, other)
  --library_layout                        [string]  Force the library_layout value for the study / reads (accepted: single, paired)
  --spades_version                        [string]  null [default: 3.15.5]
  --megahit_version                       [string]  null [default: 1.2.9]
  --reference_genome                      [string]  The genome to be used to clean the assembly, the genome will be taken from the Microbiome Informatics
                                                    internal directory (accepted: chicken.fna, salmon.fna, cod.fna, pig.fna, cow.fna, mouse.fna,
                                                    honeybee.fna, rainbow_trout.fna, ...)
  --blast_reference_genomes_folder        [string]  The folder with the reference genome blast indexes, defaults to the Microbiome Informatics internal
  --bwamem2_reference_genomes_folder      [string]  The folder with the reference genome bwa-mem2 indexes, defaults to the Microbiome Informatics internal
  --remove_human_phix                     [boolean] Remove human and phiX reads pre assembly, and contigs matching those genomes. [default: true]
  --human_phix_blast_index_name           [string]  Combined Human and phiX BLAST db. [default: human_phix]
  --human_phix_bwamem2_index_name         [string]  Combined Human and phiX bwa-mem2 index. [default: human_phix]
  --min_contig_length                     [integer] Minimum contig length filter. [default: 500]
  --min_contig_length_metatranscriptomics [integer] Minimum contig length filter for metaT. [default: 200]
  --assembly_memory                       [integer] Default memory allocated for the assembly process. [default: 100]
  --spades_only_assembler                 [boolean] Run SPAdes/metaSPAdes without the error correction step. [default: true]
  --outdir                                [string]  The output directory where the results will be saved. You have to use absolute paths to storage on Cloud
                                                    infrastructure. [default: results]
  --email                                 [string]  Email address for completion summary.
  --multiqc_title                         [string]  MultiQC report title. Printed as page header, used for filename if not otherwise specified.

Generic options
  --multiqc_methods_description           [string]  Custom MultiQC yaml file containing HTML including a methods description.


nextflow run ebi-metagenomics/miassembler \
  -profile codon_slurm \
  --assembler metaspades \
  --reference_genome human \
  --outdir testing_results \
  --study_accession SRP002480 \
  --reads_accession SRR1631361


The samplesheet is a comma-separated file (.csv) with the following columns:

  • study_accession: Unique identifier for the study.
  • reads_accession: Unique identifier for the reads.
  • fastq_1: Full path to the first FastQ file.
  • fastq_2: Full path to the second FastQ file (for paired-end reads). Leave empty if single-end.
  • library_layout: Either single or paired.
  • library_strategy: One of metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, genomic, transcriptomic, or other.

The header row is mandatory. Below is an example of a minimum required samplesheet:


Full Samplesheet Example

The pipeline can handle both single-end and paired-end reads. A full samplesheet for different library layouts and strategies might look like this:


It also allow to specify which assembler and how much memory in GB to use for the assembly process. Assembler and assembler memory columns:

  • assembler: One of spades, metaspades, or megahit.
  • assembly_memory: Integer value specifying the memory allocated for the assembly process.

Example with additional columns:



The outputs of the pipeline are organized as follows:

├── pipeline_info
├── DRP0076
│   └── DRP007622
│       ├── DRR2807
│       │   └── DRR280712
│       │       ├── assembly
│       │       │   └── megahit
│       │       │       └── 1.2.9
│       │       │           ├── coverage
│       │       │           ├── decontamination
│       │       │           └── qc
│       │       │               ├── multiqc
│       │       │               └── quast
│       │       │                   └── DRR280712
│       │       └── qc
│       │           ├── fastp
│       │           └── fastqc
│       └── multiqc
└── SRP1154
    └── SRP115494
        ├── multiqc
        ├── SRR5949
        │   └── SRR5949318
        │       ├── assembly
        │       │   └── metaspades
        │       │       └── 3.15.5
        │       │           ├── coverage
        │       │           ├── decontamination
        │       │           └── qc
        │       │               ├── multiqc
        │       │               └── quast
        │       │                   └── SRR5949318
        │       └── qc
        │           ├── fastp
        │           └── fastqc
        └── SRR6180
            └── SRR6180434 --> QC Failed (not assembled)
                └── qc
                    ├── fastp
                    └── fastqc

The nested structure based on ENA Study and Reads accessions was created to suit the Microbiome Informatics team’s needs. The benefit of this structure is that results from different runs of the same study won’t overwrite any results.


The pipeline reports the coverage values for the assembly using two mechanisms: jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths and a custom whole assembly coverage and coverage depth.


This tool summarizes the depth of coverage for each contig from BAM files containing the mapped reads. It quantifies the extent to which contigs in an assembly are covered by these reads. The output is a tabular file, with rows representing contigs and columns displaying the summarized coverage values from the BAM files. This summary is useful for binning contigs or estimating abundance in various metagenomic datasets.

This file is generated per assembly and stored in the following location (e.g., for study SRP115494 and run SRR6180434): SRP1154/SRP115494/multiqc/SRR5949/SRR5949318/assembly/metaspades/3.15.5/coverage/SRR6180434_coverage_depth_summary.tsv.gz

Example output of jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths
contigName contigLen totalAvgDepth SRR6180434_sorted.bam SRR6180434_sorted.bam-var
NODE_1_length_539_cov_105.072314 539 273.694 273.694 74284.7
Explanation of the Columns:
  1. contigName: The name or identifier of the contig (e.g., NODE_1_length_539_cov_105.072314). This is usually derived from the assembly process and may include information such as the contig length and coverage.

  2. contigLen: The length of the contig in base pairs (e.g., 539).

  3. totalAvgDepth: The average depth of coverage across the entire contig from all BAM files (e.g., 273.694). This represents the total sequencing coverage averaged across the length of the contig. This value will be the same as the sample avg. depth in assemblies of a single sample.

  4. SRR6180434_sorted.bam: The average depth of coverage for the specific sample represented by this BAM file (e.g., 273.694). This shows how well the contig is covered by reads.

  5. SRR6180434_sorted.bam-var: The variance in the depth of coverage for the same BAM file (e.g., 74284.7). This gives a measure of how uniform or uneven the read coverage is across the contig.

Coverage JSON

The pipeline calculates two key metrics: coverage and coverage depth for the entire assembly. The coverage is determined by dividing the number of assembled base pairs by the total number of base pairs before filtering. Coverage depth is calculated by dividing the number of assembled base pairs by the total length of the assembly, provided the assembly length is greater than zero. These metrics provide insights into how well the reads cover the assembly and the average depth of coverage across the assembled contigs. The script that calculates this number is

The pipeline creates a JSON file with the following content:

  "coverage": 0.04760503915318373,
  "coverage_depth": 273.694

The file is stored in (e.g. for study SRP115494 and run SRR6180434) -> SRP1154/SRP115494/multiqc/SRR5949/SRR5949318/assembly/metaspades/3.15.5/coverage/SRR6180434_coverage.json

Top Level Reports


The pipeline produces two MultiQC reports: one per study and one per run. These reports aggregate statistics related to raw reads, read QC, assembly, and assembly QC.

The run-level MultiQC report is generated for runs that passed QC and were assembled. The study-level MultiQC report includes all runs; however, runs without assemblies will not have assembly stats included.

QC failed runs

QC failed runs are filtered out to prevent downstream assembly failures.

Runs that fail QC checks are excluded from the assembly process. These runs are listed in the file qc_failed_runs.csv, along with the corresponding exclusion message. Assembling such runs may cause the pipeline to fail or produce very poor assemblies.


Runs exclusion messages
Exclusion Message Description
filter_ratio_threshold_exceeded The maximum fraction of reads that are allowed to be filtered out. If exceeded, it flags excessive filtering. The default value is 0.9, meaning that if more than 90% of the reads are filtered out, the threshold is considered exceeded, and the run is not assembled.
low_reads_count_threshold The minimum number of reads required after filtering. If below, it flags a low read count, and the run is not assembled.

Assembled Runs

Runs that were successfully assembled are listed in a CSV file named assembled_runs.csv. This file contains the run accession, assembler, and assembler version used.




There is a very small test data set ready to use:

nextflow run -resume -profile test,docker

It's also possible to run the nf-test suite with

nf-test test

End to end tests

Two end-to-end tests can be launched (with megahit and metaspades) with the following command:

pytest tests/workflows/ --verbose