This is all the code and documentation related to developing a json-schema for Duelers card scripting.
While the schema itself looks like EBNF, it's mostly being drafted as nested pydantic models, to automate things like enheritance.
This process has several parts.
- Designing the schema theoretically, to be easy to write and understand, while avoiding explosive complexity.
- Using Python's Pydantic to generate the actual json-schema.
from typing import Union, Literal
NumberOperator = Union[Literal['+'], #A number operator is one of the listed strings.
Operator = Union[NumberOperator] #An operator is any of the listed operator types.
# Something typehinted as an Operator could be +, -, *, or /. All other values will raise.
import typing
from typing import Union
import pydantic
from pydantic import BaseModel
import properties, operators, events
InstantaneousEffect = Union[None] # An effect cannot have a duration, such as killing a minion.
#This is just a stand in to be developed later. Looking for a better solution than None.
class DurationEffectModel(BaseModel): # Ending its name with 'Model' means its abstract.
"""An continuous effect."""
end_when_this_leaves_play: bool = False #Since it is given a default, it's optional.
until: typing.Optional[events.Event] = None
# An object in the schema with some properties.
class ChangeProperty(DurationEffectModel): #This inherits the fields in DurationEffectModel
name: str = pydantic.Field('change_property', const=True)
# property_owner: ? = 'this' # Still working on a good way to type this.
property: properties.UnitProperty # todo Only allow properties property_owner has? Or just ignore?
operator: operators.NumberOperator
by_value: int
DurationEffect = Union[ChangeProperty]
Effect = Union[InstantaneousEffect, DurationEffect]