uws superset who allow you to listen on event like with socket.io (the code source work both in the browser and in NodeJS)
use is really easy : (these sample uses the socket.io-with-get.js superset too)
you can use it in the client :
<!doctype html>
<script src="../socketWithOn.js"></script>
<script src="socket.io-with-get.js"></script>
var socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:5000");
socket.onopen = async function (event) {
socket = new SocketWithOn(socket);
socket = new Socket(socket);
socket.on('name', async (data)=>{
return "My name is Jhon... Jhon Doe...";
let data = await socket.get("ping", {start: new Date().getTime()}).catch(err=>{throw new Error(err)});
let pingTime = new Date().getTime() - data.start;
console.log(pingTime+" ms");
and this on the server :
const WebSocketServer = require('uws').Server;
const SocketWithOn = require('uws-with-on.js');
const Socket = require('socket.io-with-get');
const wss = new WebSocketServer({ port: 5000 });
wss.on('connection', async function(socket) {
socket = new SocketWithOn(socket);
socket = new Socket(socket);
socket.on('ping',async (data)=>{
return data;
let data = await socket.get("name", {}).catch(err=>{throw new Error(err)});