Argus is a tool used to monitor your projects, based on incoming webhooks from external applications. It soly focusses on GitLab projects (from a single instance).
Argus internally uses events internally, which means it is fully extendable for your usecase. It would be appreciated to share your extensions with us, so we can share it with everybody!
You can run the application from source, or use the docker container
git clone
composer install
yarn install
yarn build
Make sure to configure the secrets in the .secrets.json
and configure the relevant environment in .env.local
Add a user with bin/console argus:add-user
We offer a prebuild docker container, which contains a fully functional PHP FPM service with the application preloaded. You still need to provide a database and webserver in order for it to function properly. Also make sure to configure a secrets file and the correct environment variables.
You can use the docker compose example from the docker
directory to get you started, just configure the required
environment variables & secrets and run docker-compose up -d
Add a user with: docker exec -itu www-data docker_argus_1 bin/console argus:add-user
When using an external HTTPS termination, make sure the set the trusted proxies variable for the Argus container. The example does this by default.
Just pull the latest argus container, and if you're using the provided sample configuration everything should just work! (tm)
Do you think the documentation is a bit simple, or are you missing features? Open a ticket or just contribute! Every input is very welcome!