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This repository contains the source code for the 2nd place solution in the Kaggle IceCube Neutrino Detection Competition developed by DrHB and Iafoss. For more technical write up read here. To reproduce our results, please follow the instructions provided below.



We recommend using the official nvidia or kaggle Docker images with the appropriate CUDA version for the best compatibility

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Navigate to the repository folder:
cd icecube-2nd-place
  1. Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Download and Preparation

Downloading the Competition Data

The official competition data can be obtained from the Kaggle website. Please download the data and place it in the data folder within the repository.

Additional Datasets

  1. Split train_meta parquet files for each batch, available for download here.

  2. The ice_transparency.txt file, which contains information regarding the ice transparency of the IceCube detector.

Preparing the Data

Create the Nevents.pickle file by executing the following command:

python config.json PATH data

After completing the data preparation process, your data folder should have the following structure:

├── Nevents.pickle
├── ice_transparency.txt
├── sample_submission.parquet
├── sensor_geometry.csv
├── test
│   └── batch_661.parquet
├── test_meta.parquet
├── train
│   ├── batch_1.parquet
│   └── batch_2.parquet
└── train_meta
    ├── train_meta_1.parquet
    └── train_meta_2.parquet

Configuration Documentation

The config.json file contains various settings and parameters for the training process. Below is a brief explanation of each parameter:

Parameter Value Description
SELECTION total Selection criterion for the data
OUT BASELINE Output folder name
PATH data/ Path to the data folder
NUM_WORKERS 4 Number of worker threads for data loading
SEED 2023 Random seed value for reproducibility
BS 32 Batch size for training
BS_VALID 32 Batch size for validation
L 192 Length of input sequence for training
L_VALID 192 Length of input sequence for validation
EPOCHS 8 Number of training epochs
MODEL DeepIceModel Model architecture, choise
MOMS false Momentum scheduling in the optimizer
DIV 25 Initial learning rate divisor
LR_MAX 5e-4 Max learning rate
DIV_FINAL 25 Final learning rate divisor
EMA false Exponential Moving Average during training
MODEL_KWARGS (see below) Model-specific parameters
WEIGHTS false Class weights in the loss function
LOSS_FUNC {loss_vms, loss_comb} Loss function
METRIC loss Evaluation metric for model selection

For MODEL_KWARGS, we have the following parameters:

Parameter Value Description
dim 384 Input dimension of the model
dim_base 128 Base dimension for the model layers
depth 8 Number of layers in the model
head_size 32 Head size for multi-head attention layers



The training process is performed in an epoch-based manner. Each epoch is divided into 8 sub-epochs, essentially dividing the full training data into 8 subsections. The model is trained for a total of 4 epochs, using a one_cycle learning schedule. After each epoch, the best checkpoint is loaded, and the training continues with a decreased learning rate. The Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and the loss_comb function are added closer to the last epoch. The example below demonstrates training the B model for 4 epochs. The OUT parameter defines a folder where the model weights will be stored. For the next epoch, the folder is used to load checkpoints and continue training.

# B model 32
python config.json \
       MODEL DeepIceModel \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim 384 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim_base 128 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.depth 12 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.head_size 32 \
       OUT B_MODEL_32 \
       LR_MAX 5e-4 \
       MOMS false

# The results will be stored in the folder B_MODEL_32
# For the 2nd epoch, we will resume training from the checkpoint
python config.json \
       MODEL DeepIceModel \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim 384 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim_base 128 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.depth 12 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.head_size 32 \
       OUT B_MODEL_32FT \
       WEIGHTS B_MODEL_32/models/model_7.pth \
       LR_MAX 2e-5 \
       DIV 25 \
       DIV_FINAL 25 \

# The results will be stored in the folder B_MODEL_32FT
# For the 3rd epoch, we will resume training from the checkpoint
python config.json \
       MODEL DeepIceModel \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim 384 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim_base 128 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.depth 12 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.head_size 32 \
       OUT B_MODEL_32FT2 \
       WEIGHTS B_MODEL_32FT/models/model_7.pth \
       LR_MAX 1e-5 \
       DIV 25 \
       DIV_FINAL 25 \
       EMA true \

# The results will be stored in the folder B_MODEL_32FT2
# For the 4th epoch, we will resume training from the checkpoint
python config.json \
       MODEL DeepIceModel \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim 384 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim_base 128 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.depth 12 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.head_size 32 \
       OUT B_MODEL_32FT3 \
       WEIGHTS B_MODEL_32FT2/models/model_7.pth \
       LR_MAX 0.5e-5 \
       DIV 25 \
       DIV_FINAL 25 \
       EMA true \
       LOSS_FUNC loss_comb \


# B model 64
python config.json \
       MODEL DeepIceModel \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim 768 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim_base 192 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.depth 12 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.head_size 64\
       OUT B_MODEL_B_64 \
       LR_MAX 1e-4 \
       MOMS false

# The results will be stored in the folder B_MODEL_B_64
# For the 2nd epoch, we will resume training from the checkpoint
python config.json \
       MODEL DeepIceModel \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim 768 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim_base 192 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.depth 12 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.head_size 64\
       OUT B_MODEL_64FT \
       WEIGHTS B_MODEL_64/models/model_7.pth \
       LR_MAX 1e-5 \
       DIV 25 \
       DIV_FINAL 25 \

# The results will be stored in the folder B_MODEL_B_64FT
# For the 3nd epoch, we will resume training from the checkpoint
python config.json \
       MODEL DeepIceModel \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim 768 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim_base 192 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.depth 12 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.head_size 64\
       OUT B_MODEL_64FT2 \
       WEIGHTS B_MODEL_64FT/models/model_7.pth \
       LR_MAX 0.5e-5 \
       DIV 15 \
       DIV_FINAL 15 \
       EMA true \
       LOSS_FUNC loss_comb \

# The results will be stored in the folder B_MODEL_B_64FT3
# For the 4th epoch, we will resume training from the checkpoint
python config.json \
       MODEL DeepIceModel \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim 768 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim_base 192 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.depth 12 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.head_size 64\
       OUT B_MODEL_64FT3 \
       WEIGHTS B_MODEL_64FT2/models/model_7.pth \
       LR_MAX 0.35e-5 \
       DIV 10 \
       DIV_FINAL 10 \
       EMA true \
       LOSS_FUNC loss_comb \

# The results will be stored in the folder B_MODEL_B_64FT4
# For the 4th epoch, we will resume training from the checkpoint
python config.json \
       MODEL DeepIceModel \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim 768 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim_base 192 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.depth 12 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.head_size 64\
       OUT B_MODEL_64FT4 \
       WEIGHTS B_MODEL_64FT3/models/model_7.pth \
       LR_MAX 1.0e-6 \
       DIV 10 \
       DIV_FINAL 10 \
       EMA true \
       LOSS_FUNC loss_comb \


model definiation can be found below, for training use the same paramaters as for training B MODEL 64

# B model 4 REL
python config.json \
       MODEL DeepIceModel \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim 768 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim_base 192 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.depth 12 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.head_size 32 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.n_rel 4


model definiation can be found below, for training use the same paramaters as for training B MODEL 64

# S + GNN
python config.json \
       MODEL EncoderWithDirectionReconstructionV22 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim 384 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim_base 128 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.depth 8 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.head_size 32


model definiation can be found below, for training use the same paramaters as for training B MODEL 64

# B + GNN
python config.json \
       MODEL EncoderWithDirectionReconstructionV23 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim 768 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.dim_base 128 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.depth 12 \
       MODEL_KWARGS.head_size 64


Our inference scripts, models, and kernels are publicly available and can be found here and here. To perform inference using our best models, download the model weights from this link and place them in the ice-cube-final-models folder. Then, execute the following Python script:

python config.json L 512 BS 32

This script can be adapted to run inference for any model that was trained locally. By executing the script with the appropriate configurations, you can perform inference using the selected models and generate predictions based on the trained weights.


Code for 2nd Place Icecube neutrino competition







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