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Writing a Script

Don Flymoor edited this page Jul 22, 2020 · 1 revision

Write a short script and save it as test.script.

# Assign a name to an actor

# Make her say Hello, World!
Susan:Hello, World!

Use a sound Effect

Navigate to your home directory and create a folder named .voxtalkz.

Navigate into that folder and create a new folder named soundEffects.

Download a .mp3 sound effect and place it in the .voxtalkz/soundEffects/ folder, for this tutorial we will assume the file is called footsteps.mp3.

Write a short script and save it as test2.script.

# Assign a name to an actor

# Make her say Hello, World!
Susan:Hello, World!
Susan:Goodbye, World!

# Add the soud effect

Write a short script and save it as test3.script.

# Assign a name to an actor

# Make her say Hello, World! as a little girl
Susan:Hello, World!@PITCH=0.3

# Make her say Goodbye, World! as an old woman
Susan:Goodbye, World!@PITCH=-0.3

Open the commandline and navigate to your file. Run the script.

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