./bin/vendors update
./bin/vendors install --reinstall
Replace VERSION by the supported version you want, v1 or v2
php5 app/console twitter-bootstrap:clear
php5 app/console twitter-bootstrap:compile VERSION
php5 app/console assets:install web/
Damian Luszczymak began organizing Magentho Hackathons in the beginning of 2012, thanks for that! The first one took place in Munich and the registration was realised with some social-network-media-foo and was really slow on performance.
I (Fabian Blechschmidt) want to play around wth Symfony2 and the Paypal-API, so I do something useful and write a small site to get informations and to register for more upcoming hackathons.
My idea is: show maximal the next three hacker-meetings on the first page under the welcome-stuff, with links to detail pages and informations.
The possibility for registration and a forward to paypal to pay immediately.
After the basics, we can add:
- a google map to show the next hackathons
- a backend to show the participants and not to go into the database
- maybe a list with the attendees on the detail page and the option to opt-in for it
- a formular to add a new hackathon and not to write it to the database
Open an issue!