FIX: #10381
FIX: #10460 compatibility with MariaDB 10.4
FIX: #11025
FIX: Accountancy - Add transaction with multicompany use all the time 1st entity
FIX: Accountancy - Format EBP import
FIX: actioncomm export: ORDER BY clause is in wrong export property + event type filter does not work
FIX: actioncomm: sort events by date after external calendars and hook
FIX: action list: add printFieldListSelect and printFieldListWhere hooks
FIX: add fk_unit on addline action
FIX: avoid php warning
FIX: bad sql request
FIX: better method
FIX: better test
FIX: better test on fetch
FIX: broken external authentication module feature and avoid warning
FIX: Can not create contract with numbering module without autogen rule
FIX: can't add lines on invoices
FIX: Can't generate invoice pdf
FIX: Can't insert if there is extrafields mandatory on another entity.
FIX: Can't insert if there is extrafields mandatory on another entity. FIX: Can't set default value of extrafield of type varchar
FIX: Check for old picture name if the new one was not found
FIX: Civility not saved when creating a member.
FIX: $conf->fournisseur->commande->enabled doesn't exist, we must use $conf->fournisseur->enabled
FIX: could not create several superadmin in transversal mode
FIX: credit note can have negative value
FIX: Default value on sales representative on third party creation
FIX: Don't show journal:getNomUrl without data
FIX: Erreur dans le Total
FIX: error messages not displayed
FIX: expedition: reset status on rollback + replace hardcoded status with const
FIX: Fix PHP warning "count(): Parameter must be an array..."
FIX: fk_default_warehouse missing in group by
FIX: function sendEmailsReminder isn't completely developed, then MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL must be 2 to "use" it
FIX: holidays get natural_search if search params are set only
FIX: if empty error message, we just see "error" displayed
FIX: if(!method_exists(dol_loginfunction))
FIX: If we build one invoice for several orders, we must put the ref of order on the line to not lose information.
FIX: in fact expensereport must be in $check array
FIX: Interface regression for bind people. Fix option MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER
FIX: line edit template: keep fk_parent_line
FIX: Loan impossible to account
FIX: Mark credit note as available for credit note in other currency
FIX: missing access security checking with multicompany
FIX: missing entity filter and wrong var name
FIX: missing entity filter in function "build_filterField()" (export)
FIX: Missing field in import/export of users
FIX: missing hook completeTabsHead in margins module
FIX: missing $ismultientitymanaged for previous/next ref
FIX: Missing province in export of invoice
FIX: multicompany compatibility
FIX: must fetch member in current entity
FIX: need an order by in case we found other invoice with same number but not same date
FIX: need to round with 2 decimals to avoid movements not correctly balanced
FIX: no need to test anything to display documents tabs on expense report
FIX: positive values creating diff on addline rounding
FIX: problem with multicompany transverse mode
FIX: Product accountancey sell intra code must be visible if main feature level 1
FIX: project_title for display of getNomUrl()
FIX: quick search for supplier orders
FIX: Remane of project
FIX: same thing here
FIX: Selection of email recipient with option MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER
FIX: several hooks in shipping/delivery cards
FIX: shipping default warehouse if only one warehouse
FIX: SQL injection on rowid of dict.php
FIX: 'statut' is ignored when updating a user with the REST API.
FIX: supplier invoice payment total dont care about deposit or credit
FIX: supplier invoice product stats total ht is line total not invoice total
FIX: The minimum amount filter does not work in the VAT report per customer
FIX: Total per day shows 00:00 if the total time spent is equal to 12:00
FIX: Update/delete currency on same languages
FIX: [URGENT] broken feature, "$usercancreate" is for Dolibarr 9
FIX: useless join
FIX: we need to keep originline special_code
FIX: we want to be able to reopen fourn credit note
FIX: when 2 extra fields are mandatory in 2 different entities
FIX: when we add a payment on an invoice which already has payments with credit note or deposit amount, and then we get an excess received, discount amount must be $total_paiements + $total_creditnote_and_deposit - $object->total_ttc;
FIX: when we create deposit with multi tva, we mustn't add line if amount = 0 (example when we have a 100% reduc on one of origin invoice line)
FIX: wrong redirect link on holiday refuse
FIX: wrong test enabled
FIX: Wrong variable name