Simple components for web-app, based on "starlette" framework.
This is a simple moving part of common components from podcast web-application Common parts are related to starlette web-framework and can be used for building web-applications.
argument | description | example |
SECRET_KEY | Django secret key (security) | abc3412j345j1f2d3f |
SITE_URL | URL address to the UI-part of the web APP | |
DB_HOST | PostgreSQL database host | |
DB_PORT | PostgreSQL database port | 5432 |
DB_NAME | PostgreSQL database name | podcast |
DB_USERNAME | PostgreSQL database username | podcast |
DB_PASSWORD | PostgreSQL database password | podcast_asf2342 |
argument | description | default |
APP_DEBUG | Run app in debug mode | False |
LOG_LEVEL | Allows to set current logging level | DEBUG |
SENTRY_DSN | Sentry dsn (if not set, error logs won't be sent) | |
REDIS_HOST | Redis host | localhost |
REDIS_PORT | Redis port | 6379 |
REDIS_DB | Redis db | 0 |
DB_NAME_TEST | Custom name for DB name for tests | DB_NAME + _test |
DB_ECHO | Sending all db queries to stdout | False |
CONSTANCE_BACKEND | Backend class for constance storage | |
This product is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.