Releases: Djdefrag/FluidFrames.RIFE
FluidFrames 3.12
Nvidia GPUs optimizations
⊡ Is essential to enable Windows Hardware Accelerated GPU scheduling option
⊡ This option can dramatically improve AI performance
⊡ Enable it in Windows 10 / Windows 11 settings > Graphic Settings menu
AI models update
⊡ Updated AI models using updated tools
⊡ Improved performance and improved quality
GPU Auto selection
⊡ Added new "Auto" option in GPU Widget
⊡ Selecting “Auto,” the app automatically choose the most powerful GPU in the PC
⊡ This solves a problem with GPU processing on notebooks with 2 GPUs
Video Frame Generation improvements
⊡ Improved video Frame Generation stability and memory usage
⊡ Updated FFMPEG to version 7.1 (video encoding bugfix and performance improvements)
Video encoding improvements
⊡ Updated MoviePy to version 2.0
⊡ A long list of bugfixes and optimizations for video encoding
General improvements
⊡ Bug fixes, code cleaning, performance improvements
⊡ Updated dependencies
▼ VirusTotal
FluidFrames 3.10
FFMPEG audio passthrough
⊡ This feature allows audio to be processed without any alterations (lossless quality)
⊡ Supports multiple audio streams (when a video contains multiple audio tracks)
⊡ This function fix an issue where audio could not be applied to encoed videos
General improvements
⊡ Bug fixes, code cleaning, performance improvements
⊡ Updated dependencies
▼ VirusTotal
FluidFrames 3.9
Video frame-generation STOP&RESUME
⊡ Now is possible to stop and resume the video frame-generation process at any time
⊡ When restarting (with same settings) the app will resume from the interrupted point
⊡ NOTE - If video temporary files are deleted, frame-generation will start over again
User settings save
⊡ The app will now remember all the options of the user (AI model, GPU, GPU VRAM etc.)
⊡ NOTE - In case of problems, delete the file FluidFrames_UserPreference.json in Documents folder
Antivirus problem fix
⊡ After contacting Microsoft, Avast and AVG
⊡ FluidFrames will finally no longer be recognized as Malware by these antivirus
File widget improvements
⊡ The widget to upload files is now much faster
⊡ In particular when uploading many files and files with high resolution
⊡ Also improved the display of file informations
Video frame-generation improvements
⊡ Improved audio quality of frame-generated videos
⊡ Improved memory usage and performance
⊡ Improved frame-generation quality and "temporal stability"
⊡ Updated FFMPEG to version 7.0.2 (bugfix and performance improvements)
General improvements
⊡ The app is now lighter (-50MB)
⊡ Added support for .vob files
⊡ Bug fixes, code cleaning, performance improvements
⊡ Updated dependencies
▼ VirusTotal
FluidFrames.RIFE 3.6
Updated RIFE AI models
⊡ RIFE AI model has been updated to version 4.17 (from version 4.13)
⊡ RIFE lite AI model has been updated to version 4.15 (from version 4.13)
Output path
⊡ Is now possible to select upscaled files path
⊡ Default value is "Same path as input file"
Multiple GPUs support
⊡ It's now possible to select up to 4 GPUs for AI acceleration
⊡ Based on the GPU index (visible in the Windows Task Manager)
Build system
⊡ Changed build system tools (now using Pyinstaller)
⊡ Using one-file mode (the build tool create only a single portable exe, instead of a folder)
⊡ This should fix the false-positive antivirus problem with Microsoft Defender and other antiviruses
Load file widget
⊡ New design for loaded files
⊡ Bigger file icons and in line with the original file aspect-ratio
⊡ Multiline file informations
New widgets
⊡ Added "Output path" widget
Some changes
⊡ Added more information in several widgets
Video improvements
⊡ Updated FFMPEG version to 7.0 (prevalently bugfixes and performance improvements)
⊡ The app will report the % progress when extracting video frames
Video encoding improvements
⊡ FFMPEG now uses the -ultrafast preset for video encoding
⊡ Improving the encoding speed by 30/40 %.
General improvements
⊡ Updated AI engine
⊡ Bug fixes, code cleaning, performance improvements
⊡ Updated dependencies
▼ VirusTotal
FluidFrames.RIFE 3.3
New AI engine
⊡ 2x faster, up to 4x on powerful GPUs
⊡ Uses 50% less VRAM
⊡ More supported and frequently updated
⊡ Can utilize RAM to supplement GPU VRAM (not recommended for optimal performance)
FFMPEG 6.1.1
⊡ Updated FFMPEG to latest release 6.1.1 (from 4.2)
⊡ A long list of optimizations and bugfixes
⊡ Better support for newer cpus
⊡ Improved quality of generated videos
Multi GPU support
⊡ Is possible to choose between "High power GPU" and "Power Saving GPU" for AI frame-generation
GUI code reorganization
⊡ "Input resolution %" default value is now 50%
⊡ Re-designed app widgets positioning for better usability
File section improvements
⊡ The app now display the AI input resolution
⊡ The app now display the frame-generated fps
⊡ Changing "AI frame generation" or "Input resolution %" value will dynamically update GUI values
Video frame-generation improvements
⊡ Video frame-generation time estimation improved
⊡ Multi-threaded frame extraction (improved CPU usage)
⊡ Asynchronous frame saving (faster, avoids Windows Defender issues)
General improvements
⊡ Reduced app size by 50%
⊡ Bug fixes, code cleaning, performance improvements
⊡ Updated dependencies
▼ VirusTotal
FluidFrames.RIFE 2.13
GUI code reorganization
⊡ Code cleaning and GUI fixes (fonts, buttons)
⊡ Added some function for future developments
Redesigned info and error widgets
⊡ now much more elegant and readable
⊡ added new informations for each widget
⊡ highlighted the default value for each widget
Some minor fixes
⊡ fixed Telegram button not working correctly
⊡ fixed GitHub button not working correctly
Slightly revised the way fluidified videos are saved
⊡ this solves some problems with reading fluidified videos
Generated video frames will be saved in a folder in the same location as original video
⊡ this makes easier to check quality of generated frames
⊡ in case of process stopped the folder will NOT be deleted
⊡ the folder will be deleted at the end of fluidified video creation
⊡ this improvement is part of the STOP&RESUME functionality (will be implemented in future)
Nuitka 2.0
⊡ Updated the build tool to version 2.0.2
⊡ Better overall stability of the whole app
⊡ Better RAM management
General improvements
⊡ General bugfixes and code cleaning
⊡ General performance improvements
⊡ Many micro optimizations
⊡ Updated dependencies
New AI engine
⊡ The development of the new AI engine has begun
⊡ Is faster than the current AI engine
⊡ Is much more supported and is updated often
⊡ Has the option to use RAM memory in addition to the GPU VRAM
⊡ Requires much less disk space
FluidFrames.RIFE 2.11
- Updated RIFE AI model to version 4.13
- better interpolation quality
- Added a new RIFE_Lite AI model
- high interpolation quality
- 25 % faster than full RIFE model
- 25 % less VRAM usage
- suitable for low-end GPUs and high definition videos
- Updated RIFE AI model to version 4.13
- Added widget to select AI model to use
- Updated info texts, giving more information
- Input Resolution % default value changed to 60%
- Fixed upscaled video incorrect colorspace
- Completely revised how the app is built, using Nuitka (reducing antivirus false positive)
- Redesigned how the app reports fluidify progress
- Code cleaning and general bugfixes
- General performance improvements
- Updated dependencies
FluidFrames.RIFE 2.9
- Updated RIFE AI model from 4.6 to 4.9
- higher interpolation accuracy
- lower VRAM memory consumption
- Updated RIFE AI model from 4.6 to 4.9
- For AMD gpu users, I recommend upgrading to driver 23.11.1
- which contains performance improvements for DirectML-based applications
- Improvements for video processing
- for .mp4 output is possibile to select the codec, x264 or x265
- improved video bitrate from 4M (default value for ffmpeg) to 16M
- in future will be the possibility to select the desired bitrate
- Better support for file path names with special characters
- General bugfixes
- Code cleaning
- Performance improvements
- Updated dependencies
- For AMD gpu users, I recommend upgrading to driver 23.11.1
FluidFrames.RIFE 2.7
- Added new option to save generated video frames (default is enabled)
- Updated RIFE AI model from 3.0 to 4.6
- higher interpolation accuracy
- lower VRAM memory consumption
- Completely revised GUI, now cleaner and more elegant
- Added new widget for info button and in case of error
- The app will now report the remaining time to complete video fluidify
- The app now reports the progress in % instead of the number of frames
- Updated info texts and widget texts
- When the application is closed during fluidify now the process is stopped correctly
- Drastically reduced CPU utilization by 90% without impacting upscale speed
- Updated dependencies
- General code cleaning and improvements
FluidFrames 2.4
- Added 2 new options for AI-fluidity
- x8 | 30fps -> 240fps
- x8-slowmotion | slowmotion effect by a factor of 8
- The app will now report the index of the file that is being processed
- The app will now report the remaining time to complete the fluidifycation
- The app now reports the progress in % instead of the number of frames
- Removed button
- Updated some info texts
- General performance improvements
- Removed unused dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- General code cleaning