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Use dotenv files and environment variables in Xcode and Swift Package Manager projects.


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Store your keys and secrets away from your source code. Designed for both SPM and Xcode projects.

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The BuildEvironment project lets you store your keys and secrets away from your repository. Secrets can be stored in the .env file or in environment variables. Simple lightweight and functional solution, platform agnostic.


With Swift package :

  • Add the package dependency:
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
  • Add plugin to the target:
plugins: [ .plugin(name: "BuildEnvPlugin", package: "BuildEnvironment") ]
  • You may have add platform requirements:
platforms: [.macOS(.v11), .iOS(.v14), .watchOS(.v7), .tvOS(.v14)],

With Xcode project:

  • Add package dependency:
    Don't add BuildEnv as a dependency to any target. Add package dependency
  • Add plugin to the Target: Add plugin to the Target

Add the.env and/or buildenv.config files to the root directory of your project.

One of the files must be added.

If only .env exist, code with default settings will be generated:
  • enum name: BuildEnvironment
  • enum access level: public
  • encode: no
  • variables will be taken from the .env file.


The .env file shouldn't be committed to git as it contains your secrets.

If your project contain buildenv.config:
  • you can customize code generation options.
  • environment variables can be added.

buildenv.config contains no secrets and can be added to the repository.


Single .env file

# Sample api key
apiKey = "123456"

Generated code:

// Code generated from .env file 
// Don't edit! All changes will be lost.

public enum BuildEnvironment {
    public static let apiKey: String = "123456"

Both .env and buildenv.config

# Sample BuildEnvPlugin config file

# Generated enum name. Default: BuildEnvironment
name: BuildEnvironment
# Generated enum access level.
# Must be one of: public, package, internal. Default: public
access: internal
# Obfuscate data by encode: yes/no. Default: no
encode: yes

# Environment variable list.
# Format: swift_variable_name=$environment_variable_name
userName= $USER
homeDir= $HOME

Generated code:

// Code generated from .env file 
// Don't edit! All changes will be lost.

enum BuildEnvironment {
    static let userName: String = {
        let encrypted: [UInt8] = [191, 121, 218, 23, 127, 221, 219, 20, 179, 99, 13, 164]
        let count = encrypted.count / 2
        return String(unsafeUninitializedCapacity: count) { ptr in
            (0..<count).forEach { ptr[$0] = encrypted[$0] ^ encrypted[$0 + count] }
            return count
    static let homeDir: String = {
        let encrypted: [UInt8] = [245, 33, 241, 173, 4, 190, 7, 163, 71, 155, 203, 189, 211, 218, 116, 130, 200, 118, 205, 40, 199, 42, 242, 191, 207, 170]
        let count = encrypted.count / 2
        return String(unsafeUninitializedCapacity: count) { ptr in
            (0..<count).forEach { ptr[$0] = encrypted[$0] ^ encrypted[$0 + count] }
            return count
    static let apiKey: String = {
        let encrypted: [UInt8] = [41, 83, 240, 172, 236, 228, 24, 97, 195, 152, 217, 210]
        let count = encrypted.count / 2
        return String(unsafeUninitializedCapacity: count) { ptr in
            (0..<count).forEach { ptr[$0] = encrypted[$0] ^ encrypted[$0 + count] }
            return count

Sample project:

  • Clone the current repository
  • Enter the BuildEnvironment directory
  • Execute: swift run BuildEnvExample


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details