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    The application project must include the following dependencies:

<li><b>uniboInterfaces.jar</b>		basic interface used by the platform</li>
<li><b>uniboEnvBaseAwt.jar</b>			GUI based custom framework</li>
<li><b>unibonoawtsupports.jar</b>				TCP-UDP-Serialcommunication support</li>
<li><b>2p301.jar</b>					tuPolog version 3.1 (java8)</li>
<li><b>qactors18.jar</b>				qactor infrastructure</li>
 <li><b>it.unibo.iss.libs\libs\http\nanoHttp.jar</b>                 for hhtp web-socket server</li>  
 <li><b>it.unibo.iss.libs\libs\rxJava\rxjava-core-0.18.4.jar</b>		for serial communications</li>   
The QA-IDE creates code in the following directories:
Java code of the main program (context) and the basic rules used by the run-time 
actor platform:<br/>
Java code of the QActors and for other entities (EventHandlers, Tasks)
to be defined by the application designer.
The generated code is created only once, to avoid the loss of modifications done
by the application designer. To overcome this behavior, the <tt>-regeneratesrc</tt> flag can be used
System &ltname&gt -regeneratesrc

<h3>srMore ()</h3>
For each context (in the context package):
<b>SYSTEM CONFIGURATION  file</b> (<tt><b></b></tt>)<br/>
web server files ( css, html, js)<br/>
for each QActor (in the QActor package):<br/>
                         <tt><b>plans.txt </b></tt><br/>
<b>MAIN program</b> for each Context (e.g. named <tt><b>CtxYyy</b></tt>) of the system,
the custom IDE generated  a main Java program:<br/>
 In <b>INTERPRETED mode</b>, 
     a standard behavior is generated for each actor (e.g. QaXxx) in <br/>
				<tt><b>src-gen/actorPackage/</b></tt>  <br/>
     that makes reference to the file <br/>
		At the end of the execution, the following message is shown on the Console
             <tt><b>USER>: to end press 'e'</b></tt> <br/>
    In this way the user can restart the system with the possibility to
	   do some manual change in <tt><b>srcMore/actorPackage/plans.txt</b></tt>.

<h3>FEATURE</h3> : QActors are active entities that work in Contexts
          by executing macro-activities called Plans.
			 Each Plan is composed of (built-in or user defined)
			 PlanActions written in Java or in Prolog.
			 A QAcotr can work in interpreted mode (-i flag)
          by executing moves expressed in an intermediate
          declarative (Prolog) language. The 'plan rules' are automatically
          generated into the file plans.txt in srMore directory.
         Each QActor is associated with a  knowledge-base (
         that include actor's specific (static or dynamic) declarative 
			(Prolog) facts and rules.
			A QActor can be associated with a GUI (-g flag) implemented by
         the uniboEnvBaseAwt. Otherwise, it will use the standard Java
         IO devices.




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