Export DDL of Teradata tables, views, procedures & functions to text file.
App used Teradata Client C# https://www.nuget.org/packages/Teradata.Client.Provider/
- Encoding - by default used UTF8
- AuthenticationMechanism - by default used LDAP or TD2
- FileName - export filename, file export to app directory with this name
- ConnTimeout - Teradata connetcion timeout
- DataSource - Teradata IP or DNS-name
- Login - Teradata login
- Password - Teradata password
- SelectObjSQL - selected database objects to export. Selected fields doesn't change
All setting saved in XML-file TDExportDDL.exe.config
Execute app:
- Config TDExportDDL.exe.config with your credentials
- Run TDExportDDL\bin\Debug