- Backend application created using Express framework and integration testing is done using supertest.
- DataBase used for this project is MongoDB.
- Asynchronus java-script code is written.
- Necessary middleware functionality is used in the application. For example: for authorization, we need to have valid jwt token and also for error.
- Used REST API for all the endpoints. Used GET, POST, UPDATE, DELETE.
- Error handling is taken care by winston(dependency in javascript).
- All the user input through api is validated using JOI (dependency in javascript).
For genres
- get all genres
- post genre (authorization is required)
- put genre(update)
- delete genre (authorization is required)
- get genre by id
For movies
- get all movies
- post movie
- put movie(update)
- delete movie
- get movie by id
For rentals
- get rentals
- post
- get rental by id
For customers
- get all customers
- post customer
- put customer by id(update by id)
- delete customer
- get customer by id
For users
- get all users(authorization is required)
- post user