Context Aware Behavior-based INdoor NAVigation
The robot uses different behaviors based on its current context to achieve a task. The context consists of sensor data and semantic map.
This is a down-sized version of my Master's thesis project. Full version could
However, only goto
action was allowed to be open-sourced.
- geometry_common
- yaml_common
- For simulation ropod_sim(optional)
On Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic, install the package python-is-python3
the below command to avoid runtime errors when launching python-based ROS nodes
sudo apt install python-is-python3
- Launch simulation
roslaunch cabin_nav sim.launch
- Launch CABIN Navigation
roslaunch cabin_nav cabin_navigator.launch
- Then publish a 2D nav goal in RViz.
- Optionally, one can also publish a task request message
actionrostopic pub /cabin_navigator/task_request std_msgs/String "data: '{task_type: goto, goal: {x: 62.7, y: 31.7, theta: 3.14}}'" -1
catkin build --this --catkin-make-args run_tests -- && rosrun cabin_nav cabin_nav_test