A package to convert your mongoose schema to graphql schema
- Mongql
- Features
- Motivation
- Usage
- Without initial typedef and resolvers
- With initial typedef and resolvers
- Output SDL and AST
- Using Schema config typedefs and resolvers
- FieldSchema Configs
- Fine grain Mutation configuration
- Fine grain Query configuration
- Fine grain Type configuration
- generating Models
- Using local folders
- Controlling nullability
- Concept
- Create graphql schema (typedef and resolvers) from mongoose schema
- Stitch already created typedef and resolvers
- Easily configurable (any of the typedef and resolvers can be turned off)
- Output the generated SDL
- Auto addition of graphql validators with mongoose
- Auto generation of fragments and operations
- Automatic integration with custom various scalar types from graphql-scalars
- Helper methods for dealing with graphql ast nodes
- Auto generation of fragments and operations
- Auto generation of basic crud operations
- Creating a graphql SDL is not a difficult task, but things get really cumbersome after a while, especially since a lot of the typedefs and resolvers are being repeated.
- Automating the schema generation helps to avoid errors regarding forgetting to define something in the schema thats been added to the resolver or vice versa.
- Creating resolvers for subtypes in a PITA, especially if all of them just refers to the same named key in parent
- Generating fragments and operation manually is quite difficult and error prone, typing duplicate stuffs and figuring out the interrelationship between each fragment.
// User.schema.js
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const UserSchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
mongql: {
nullable: {
object: [true]
} // field level config
UserSchema.mongql = {
resource: 'user'
}; // schema level config
module.exports = UserSchema;
// index.js
const {
} = require('@graphql-tools/schema');
const {
} = require('apollo-server-express');
const Mongql = require('MonGql');
const UserSchema = require('./User.schema.js');
(async function() {
const mongql = new Mongql({
Schemas: [UserSchema], // Global level config
// Calling the generate method generates the typedefs and resolvers
const {
TransformedTypedefs, // Contains both arr and obj representation
} = await mongql.generate();
const GRAPHQL_SERVER = new ApolloServer({
schema: makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: TransformedTypedefs.arr,
resolvers: TransformedResolvers.arr,
context: () => ({
user: req.user
// user.typedef.js
module.exports = gql `
type BasicUserType{
// user.resolver.js
module.exports = {
Mutation: {
updateUserSettings: ...
const UserAST = require('./user.typedef.js');
const UserResolver = require('./user.resolver.js');
const PreTransformedTypeDefsASTs = {
user: UserAST // This has to match with the resource name added in the mongoose schema
const PreTransformedResolvers = {
user: UserResolver
const mongql = new Mongql({
Schemas: [UserSchema, SettingsSchema],
Typedefs: {
init: PreTransformedTypeDefsASTs
Resolvers: {
init: PreTransformedResolvers
const mongql = new Mongql({
Schemas: [],
output: {
SDL: path.resolve(__dirname, "./SDL"),
AST: path.resolve(__dirname, "./AST")
await mongql.generate()
const UserSchema = new mongoose.model({
name: String
UserSchema.mongql = {
TypeDefs: `type userinfo{
name: String!
Resolvers: {
Query: {
getUserInfo() {}
const mongql = new Mongql({
Schemas: [UserSchema],
await mongql.generate()
const NestedSchema = new mongoose.model({
nested: Boolean
NestedSchema.mongql = {
// FieldSchema configs
const UserSchema = new mongoose.model({
name: String,
nested: NestedSchema
UserSchema.mongql = {
TypeDefs: `type userinfo{
name: String!
Resolvers: {
Query: {
getUserInfo() {}
const mongql = new Mongql({
Schemas: [UserSchema],
await mongql.generate()
const mongql = new Mongql({
Schemas: [UserSchema, SettingsSchema],
generate: {
mutation: false, // will not generate any mutation typedef and resolver,
mutation: {
create: false, // Will not generate any create mutation typedef and resolver,
update: {
multi: false // Will not generate any update multi mutation typedef and resolver
single: false // Will not generate any single mutation typedef and resolver
const mongql = new Mongql({
Schemas: [UserSchema, SettingsSchema],
generate: {
query: false,
query: {
all: false
query: {
paginated: {
self: false
query: {
filtered: {
others: {
whole: false
query: {
self: false, // remove all self related typedefs and resolvers,
self: {
whole: false // remove all selfwhole related typedefs and resolvers,
count: false, // remove all count related typedefs and resolvers,
const mongql = new Mongql({
Schemas: [UserSchema, SettingsSchema],
generate: {
input: {
update: false
interface: false,
enum: false,
union: false,
object: {
self: false
const {
} = require('@graphql-tools/schema');
const Mongql = require('mongql');
const {
} = require('apollo-server');
(async function() {
const mongql = new Mongql({
Schemas: [
/* Your schema array here */
const {
} = await mongql.generate();
const server = new ApolloServer({
schema: makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: TransformedTypedefs.arr,
resolvers: TransformedResolvers.arr,
context: mongql.generateModels()
await server.listen();
const Mongql = require('mongql');
const {
} = require('apollo-server');
(async function() {
const mongql = new Mongql({
Schemas: path.resolve(__dirname, './schemas'),
output: {
dir: __dirname + '\\SDL'
Typedefs: {
init: path.resolve(__dirname, './typedefs')
Resolvers: {
init: path.resolve(__dirname, './resolvers')
const server = new ApolloServer({
schema: makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: TransformedTypedefs.arr,
resolvers: TransformedResolvers.arr,
context: mongql.generateModels()
await server.listen();
const UserSchema = new mongoose.model({
name: {
type: String,
mongql {
nullable: {
object: [true]
} // name: String
age: {
type: [Number],
mongql: {
nullable: {
input: [false, true]
} // age: [Int!]
Mongql contains 4 levels of configs
- Constructor/global level config: passed to the ctor during Mongql instantiation
- Schema level config: Attached to the schema via mongql key
- Field level config: Attached to the field via mongql key
- FieldSchema level config: Contains both field and schema configs
Precedence of same config option is global < Schema < FieldSchema < field. That is for the same option the one with the highest precedence will be used.
During the generation of schema, a few concepts are followed
Each Resource query object type contains four parts
- All: Gets all the resource
- Paginated : Used to get resource through pagination inpu
- Filtered : Used to get resource through filter input
- ID: Used to get a resource by id
- Self: Used to indicate logged in users resource
- Others: Used to indicate other users resource (when current user is authenticated)
- Mixed: Used to incicate others users resource (when user is unauthenticated)
Resource: Name of the resource (capitalized & pluralized form)
- Whole: Get the whole data along with sub/extra types
- Count: get the count of resource
Generated Query Examples: getSelfSettingsWhole, getOthersSettingsCount
NOTE: Count part is not generate in paginated and id range as for paginated query the user already knows the count and id returns just one
Each resource mutation object type contains 2 parts
- Action: One of create|update|delete
- Target: resource for targeting single resource, resources for targeting multiple resources
Specific named functions pre|post(action) attached to the model's static is called pre and post of each action
Generated Mutation Examples: createSetting, updateSettings
Each resource types contains the following parts
- For each schema (base and nested), based on the permitted auth, object will be created, and based on generate config interface, input and union will be created
Each object type gets converted into 3 differnet kinds of fragment
- RefsNone: A fragment which excludes all the Refs Object type
- ScalarsOnly: A fragment which includes its and all included object types scalar fields
- ObjectsNone: A fragment which includes only scalar fields
All the custom fragments are generated from all the schemas
- All the generated operations have various kinds based on the generated fragments of that schema
All of the methods and configs have been commented along with their types
- Add more well rounded tests
- Provide ES modules to make the library tree-shakabl
PRS are more than welcome and highly appreciated!!!!