$ sudo npm install -g androidjs-builder
Since we have installed 'androidjs-builder' globally , it will provide all necessary commands build our app
$ androidjs init
? Application name: myapp
This command will generate a basic structure for quick start
|__ assets
| |__ ipc, css, js
|__ views
| |__ index.html
|__ main.js
|__ package.json
- main.js is the main file or we can say it is back process of your app which execute all the code written in node, so you can write your node js code inside main.js
- index.html is the first view which is render by app initially
- package.json to keep track of all your node packages
- assets to store all assets of your app
$ cd myapp
$ androidjs build
$ androidjs b
it will create apk inside ./myapp/dist/
build and install uses system 'adb' command.
$ androidjs update
$ androidjs u
"theme": {
"fullScreen": true,
"colorAccent": "@color/colorAccent",
"colorPrimary": "@color/colorPrimary",
"colorPrimaryDark": "@color/colorPrimaryDark"
Download from github