LibOVR is your gateway to creating cutting-edge VR applications. This wrapper library for the Oculus PCVR SDK streamlines VR development, enabling you to focus on crafting immersive virtual experiences without the complexity of the native SDK.
- Initialization and Session Management: Initiate and manage VR sessions with ease.
- Tracking: Capture precise movement and positioning data.
- Input Handling: Seamlessly process inputs from various VR controllers.
- Rendering: Efficiently manage VR content rendering.
To utilize LibOVR, ensure your development environment is set up for Oculus VR development. Familiarity with VR concepts is recommended.
OvrClient ovrClient;
if (OvrClient.TryInitialize(out ovrClient))
OvrSession ovrSession;
if (ovrClient.TryCreateSession(out ovrSession))
// Your code here
double absTime = ...; // specify the absolute time
OvrTrackingState trackingState = ovrSession.GetTrackingState(absTime, OvrBool.False);
// Accessing head pose
OvrPosef headPose = trackingState.HeadPose;
OvrInputState inputState;
if (ovrSession.GetInputState(OvrControllerType.Touch, out inputState))
// Check if a button is pressed
if ((inputState.Buttons & OvrButton.A) != 0)
// Button A is pressed
OvrTextureSwapChainDesc desc = new OvrTextureSwapChainDesc
Type = OvrTextureType._2D,
Format = OvrTextureFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB,
ArraySize = 1,
Width = 1024,
Height = 1024,
MipLevels = 1,
SampleCount = 1,
StaticImage = OvrBool.False,
OvrTextureSwapChain textureSwapChain;
ovrSession.CreateTextureSwapChainDX(dxDevice, desc, out textureSwapChain);
This example demonstrates how to check the status of the VR session, which is important for ensuring that the application responds correctly to changes in the VR environment.
OvrSessionStatus sessionStatus;
ovrSession.GetSessionStatus(out sessionStatus);
if (sessionStatus.ShouldQuit)
// Handle session quit request
if (sessionStatus.ShouldRecenter)
// Handle recentering request
if (sessionStatus.IsVisible)
// Session is visible and can proceed with rendering
This snippet shows how to obtain eye rendering information, which is crucial for rendering VR content correctly for each eye.
OvrEyeRenderDesc[] eyeRenderDescs = new OvrEyeRenderDesc[2];
eyeRenderDescs[0] = ovrSession.GetRenderDesc(OvrEyeType.Left, ovrSession.DefaultEyeFov[0]);
eyeRenderDescs[1] = ovrSession.GetRenderDesc(OvrEyeType.Right, ovrSession.DefaultEyeFov[1]);
// Use eyeRenderDescs for rendering setup
Here's an example of how to submit a frame for rendering, a key step in the VR rendering loop.
OvrLayerEyeFov layer = new OvrLayerEyeFov();
layer.Header.Type = OvrLayerType.EyeFov;
layer.Header.Flags = OvrLayerFlags.None;
// Set up layer parameters, textures, and viewports for each eye
// ...
ovrSession.SubmitFrame(0, IntPtr.Zero, ref layer);
This example demonstrates how to handle input from Oculus Touch controllers, an essential part of creating interactive VR experiences.
OvrInputState touchState;
if (ovrSession.GetInputState(OvrControllerType.Touch, out touchState))
if ((touchState.Buttons & OvrButton.One) != 0)
// Handle button one press
if ((touchState.Touches & OvrTouch.LIndexTrigger) != 0)
// Handle index trigger touch
LibOVR empowers you to create next-generation VR experiences with ease. Dive into its functionalities, explore its capabilities, and contribute to its evolution!
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