OllamaChat is an Android application designed for seamless communication with Ollama models. Users can easily connect by providing a private_IP_address:port
and the model name, sending messages and receiving responses directly from the model.
- Kotlin: A modern programming language for Android development. 🟢
- Retrofit: A robust HTTP client for making network requests. 🌐
- OkHttp: An efficient HTTP client for network operations. 📡
- RecyclerView: A flexible view for displaying chat messages. 📜
- View Binding: Simplifies view interaction by eliminating
. 📄 - Coroutines: Handles asynchronous operations seamlessly. ⏳
- ConstraintLayout: Enables flexible and responsive layouts. 📐
- Android Loading Dots: Implements model typing text. ⏳
- Improve chat UI (In progress...)
- Implement Speech to Text
- Redesign Sign-In and add model selection list
- Add model info and configuration page
- Handle stream responses
- Add chat memory functionality
- Implement chat saving (SQLite)
- Enable chat switching
- Implement Text to Speech
- Add support for model avatars and background customization
- Add system prompts for model behavior
- And more...
Download Ollama: Install Ollama on your local machine or server.
Configure Ollama to Listen on
- If using a local instance, configure Ollama to listen on
(See this comment) or use ngrok:ngrok http 11434 --host-header="localhost:11434"
- If using a local instance, configure Ollama to listen on
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/DevIgork/ollamaGPT
Run the App:
- Build and run the app using Android Studio. 🚀
(↓To be removed in future updates↓)
- GitHub: DevIgork